Be A Friend; Lend a Skate

Sometimes You Just Need To Lend A Roller Skate.

Have you ever tried to skate with just one roller skate?

Ok, are you old enough to even know what roller skate are? If not imagine a roller blade or perhaps an ice skate.

Skating with one roller skate is not ideal. And technically you can’t skate on just one roller skate. But you can get by,  get around, and get from point A to point B.

I grew up going to school in The City. We called it “The City”. You probably know it better as San Francisco. My childhood school experience is much, much different than what my kids know today.

We didn’t have grass and  fancy playground equipment. Both of the elementary schools I attended were on busy city streets. At one of the campuses, we had to walk around the block each day to the neighborhood park to have recess.

From Kindergarten to Second Grade, I went to a school that stood three floors high with a garage on the bottom floor and a concrete playground. There was just concrete, a tether ball and foursquare. (And guess what? We were all perfectly happy with that.) During lunch and recess the garage would be closed off and anyone who brought their roller skates from home, could skate in the garage, with it’s nice smooth floors, during lunch recess.

At the time I thought nothing of it. Looking back at it now, I find it pretty comical. If a friend forgot their skates or didn’t have a pair, there was always a friend ready to lend them one of their skates. Each friend would kind of limp around on their one skate while everyone else rolled past them. Everyone had fun, even the one-skaters. It was not a big deal to give up one of your skates so everyone could join in. It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t ideal, but it got the job done. I wouldn’t have to give up one of my skates every time we roller skated. But there always seemed to be someone who was willing to help out their skateless friend.

What a perfect picture of friendship.

Our friends are moving to Michigan and everyone is helping out. Some people are coming to help them get their house ready to sell by painting, packing and making repairs, etc. Some of the help being offered is physical; but help is coming in other ways, too. Help is coming in the form of phone calls and hugs encouraging them as they do this huge, brave thing. While some friends are giving gift cards to help with expenses. Leaving your friends and family to move across the country is hard and everyone is doing their small part to help in the transition.

Sometimes friends need you to drop everything and give everything they have to help. These are emergency situations. And let me tell you, these dear friends are the first ones to drop everything and help others. I’ve felt so blessed to help them in any small way. They’ve blessed our family many times over.

But usually what we need, in the day to day of life, is just to have friends come along and do life with us.

To give that afternoon to help you pack. To bring the kids over to a friend’s house, even if you have just an hour, to have a mom chat and let them play. To send a text asking for prayer and having a small group of your prayer warrior friends text you back saying they will pray. It doesn’t take long to text back, just a few minutes.

Sometimes, you just need to lend one of your skates.

It’s not about friends coming to rescue you, solve all your problems or be your emotional security blanket (though there are some times that call for this). Sometimes, well, really most of the time, it’s about friends coming alongside another friend and saying, “Let’s do this stuff together.” Because let’s face it; we all have “stuff”.

“Let’s pray about this together.”

“Let’s vent for a bit and just get it off our chest.” Just having a friend listen is what we need a lot of the time.

“Let’s have a girl’s night, eat nachos and laugh, really hard.” This may not happen very often; but it does need to happen.

“Let’s sign up our kids for swim lessons together.” It’s just  for a half hour twice a week; but we can connect for half an hour.

You know how I know who my tribe is? They are the ones I feel comfortable with texting as I wait in my hospital robe for my turn at the old boob smasher machine. Getting a mammogram is at the bottom of any list of “things I’d like to do today”.

I just need a few gals to get that and laugh through it with me.

This was the actual text conversation I had not long ago as I waited for my mammo.

Me: Getting ready to get my boobs smashed. “Fun times for me!” (code for:” I hate this. So tell me it’s going to fine.”)

Friend:” Ha! Are you texting us while you are doing it?” (code for:” I’ve been there. It’s no fun; but you’ve got this.”)

I’ve always thought of friendship as a two way street; but it’s not a 50/50 deal. Some times it 30/70 (or 40/60, you get the point). Sometimes I’m on the 30% side and sometimes I’m on the 70% side. It’s always fluctuating because life is always fluctuating.

It can be challenging to nurture relationships when you have your family and work that get your attention first. But, you don’t have to give every ounce of yourself! You don’t have to exhaust yourself just to be a good friend.  Just be willing to let people in and then walk through the messy stuff together.

Just give them one of your skates.

Some days, they’ll be giving you one of theirs.

My Word For 2018

So, 2018 is already a quarter of the way done. What????? How did that happen?

Normally, I would publish this sort of post in January; but the “new” blog was still under construction. So here I am, 3 months plus into the new year, really thinking about and processing through the word I chose 3 months ago.

The word I chose for 2018 is FOCUSED.

In a way, this coming back and reevaluating my word 3 months later has actually been the best thing. Have I kept my word in mind as I plan out my days and weeks? Did I pick the right word?

My answer is: Yes! I’m so glad I picked this word and I think it’s the best word for me right now.

I’m a big fan of lists and setting goals and making plans. I don’t always follow through with said lists and plans. I don’t always accomplish said goals. But I try.

At the end of 2017 I went over all the things I had wanted to accomplish over that previous year, personal goals, house project goals, etc. And though my year was very busy and I felt like I had done a lot of things, I had not marked many things off my list. It was rather disheartening. Why? Why had I felt like I had been doing, doing, but not accomplishing anything?

I think it’s because I’m like Buddy the Elf, “Ooh shiny bins!”

I like shiny bins. I get distracted by things that at the moment seem good to do and often times “seem” important. It’s not that I don’t work hard. Being idle is not a problem for me (or most moms for that matter). Doing what is most important and not getting caught up in the urgent is where I struggle. Can anyone else relate?

So I’m FOCUSING this year. I’m not focusing so I can get more done. It’s the not amount of things I do that is the goal. I’m FOCUSING on fewer things and trying to DO THOSE THINGS WELL. And those fewer things are things that I’ve thought about and have prayed over and feel are most important right now.

So, what am I focusing on?

In keeping with my word and my goal, I’m keeping it simple.

I’m focusing on 3 main things this year: My Home, My Homeschool and My Heart.

I’ll go into these 3 categories in depth in future blog posts; but for this post I’ll keep it brief.

HOME:: A stay at home mom is part of my job title; but the day to day realities of being at home and taking care of my home can be a struggle for me. Cooking. Keeping up with laundry (Bleh!) Cleaning toilets. I know some people enjoy those things. In all honesty, I don’t. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I love keeping my house tidy, decorating and gardening. I love being home. But, I knew that I was letting areas and responsibilities slide because I just don’t enjoy them and I wasn’t physically home enough to actually do them. So, I’m focusing on what it means to really take care of my home. Note that I didn’t say have a “sparkling clean, looks like no one lives here, iron my sheets” kind of home. Ummm……no. Not eating out as much and making sure Andy always has clean underwear is where this mama is starting.

HOMESCHOOL:: I love homeschooling. I’m so glad God called me to do it because that was definitely not the road I was heading down. I really enjoy having my kids home with me, choosing what they will learn and how it is best for them to learn. I absolutely love the flexibility of our schedule. Homeschooling takes a lot dedication and discipline, though. It takes me, the mom and teacher, being focused. It takes priority over a lot of other things in our family life because it is my kid’s education. And while I know my kids are learning, progressing and are happy, I feel that in the past year our homeschool wasn’t taking as high a priority as it should have been. Some of the reasons for this were out of my control; but some were just me getting distracted by the urgent. So, I’ve reprioritized.

HEART:: Honestly, I was trying to keep with the “H” theme here. This just means taking time to do things that make my heart happy and fill my bucket. As moms, we get so caught up in everyone else’s needs and sometimes forget what reenergizes us, what inspires us, what gets our creative juices flowing. For me it’s writing and working on this blog. That is my creative outlet and I wasn’t giving it any time at all. It made me sad. So I decided to make time for it. This means saying no to other things sometimes; but it’s worth it to me.

Can I add a bonus H here? My HEALTH. I think moms can be the number one culprits of ignoring health problems and not taking care of themselves because we don’t have time. The truth is we don’t have a lot of time. The truth is we need to make the time. I have things I need to take care of to feel better and this is my year to do it.

Now, I know there are times when we all need to reevaluate and even change our goals.They don’t have to be set in stone. Life has a way of throwing your plans out the window sometimes. I realize I need to be flexible.

While I’m focusing this year on my family and home, my homeschool and my personal goals of blogging and getting healthy, I know how much I tend to doubt myself that I can actually make these positive changes in my life. I’m excited and motivated (at the moment); but can I actually accomplish them? Am I brave enough to make big changes? Can I not get distracted by the shiny and urgent in order to do the most important?

With God’s help, ABSOLUTELY!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Psalm 46:5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.  – This is my personal favorite and verse for this year.

I’ve also claimed this quote as my personal mantra for the year. If I go into a situation thinking I cannot succeed, I won’t. Positive thinking goes a long way.

Would you like this printable? Click here for the below version and……………………………………….


and click here for this version or……………………………………………………………….

here for this final version.

What are your goals for 2018? Small or big. Simple or completely daring. I’d love for you to share it in the comments below.

Hello April:: Free Printables

How is April tomorrow already?? The days are flying by and spring is in full swing. Easter is tomorrow and I really enjoyed using our Resurrection Eggs and reading Easter books yesterday with Lily and Henry. I also tried making these Resurrection Rolls for the first time yesterday with the kiddos. I used this recipe here. It was a hit. My kids enjoyed them and it’s a neat way to reinforce the fact that the tomb was empty that Easter morning.

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Not only is tomorrow Easter it is also April 1st. Here are some cute printables I designed and want to share with you. Enjoy! Download here and here.


Happy Easter and Happy April!