Hello 2020. My Word For The Year.

Hello, 2020. New Year. New Decade.

In years past, I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with goals and resolutions, with timelines and timetables of how and when I was going to get things done. I never really checked that many goals off my list (and honestly, usually had listed way too many goals).

So, for the last few years I’ve picked a word for my year. It’s been more about me setting an intention and I’ve liked it so much better. I know, I know….everyone’s picking a word for the year these days. It’s nothing new. I get it; but it works for me.

Actually, the word picked me this year, so I’m excited to share.


Just Start. Simple and to the point. No frills. Just get up off my butt and start doing.

See, I still set goals. I’m such a goal setter and list maker and journal filler. When I looked back over my goals from last year (which were really good, by the way), there were so many I had made absolutely no progress on. None. Zip. Zilch.

Now 2019 was great. I grew a lot. I had unexpected challenges thrown at me. I was brave when I didn’t want to be. In fact one of my best days ever happened in 2019. And despite all my unchecked boxes on my list, I’m still going into 2020 feeling really optimistic.

My recurring questions and frustration was, “What was the point of setting goals if I wasn’t reaching them ?”

So I asked a myself a few questions before plowing into the new year with that one little word START burning in the back of my brain.

One of the questions I asked was, “Were my goals realistic?” Were they things I was really passionate about or would truly make me a better wife, mom, friend? I know what my core priorities are; but were the goals that I was setting really lining up with that?

Like I said, my word picked me.

Words like Declutter, Focus, Do Less (yes, that’s two) floated around. I kept coming back to that word Start. Just start. And if I could pick a sub word for my year it would be SIMPLIFY:

In other words START: with side of Simplify.

In a frustrated moment I vented, ” I don’t need new goals to reach. I just want to actually accomplish the goals I’ve already set!”

No one knows you better than you. I know myself pretty well. I was really honest with my frustrated self and I know God gave me wisdom and discernment. He pointed out two things: 1.) I had too many goals I was trying to focus on. In other words, I was like a scattered squirrel. 2) I was waiting for life to be more settled, my moments to be more quiet, and for me to catch up on my laundry before I set out to do things that really are important to me.

In other words, I needed to put the checklist down, close the cover on my creatively lettered bullet journal and just start, already.

This year is about Starting (and finishing) in the middle of the mess, the unfolded laundry, the grocery shopping, the unexpected illnesses.

In the middle of the imperfection of life will be the perfect time for me to START.

What’s your word for the year? What are some goals, big or small, you have for the new year?

In my last post Hindsight is 2020, I talked about how reflecting on the past helps us shape goals for the future (or maybe just make better decisions). I made two lists at the end of 2019: What Didn’t Work in 2019 and What I Want To Keep Doing in 2020. Both were very helpful as I began 2020.

Here’s to 2020 and the START of wonderful things.

Hindsight is 2020

I’m waist deep into my Christmas break right now. It’s the Friday after Christmas and the Bauers have not left the couch. Yesterday we took a lovely two-mile walk around Spring Lake; but today……. Today is all about not getting out of our pajamas, ordering pizza, watching It’s a Wonderful Life, and celebrating down time with The Hubs since he worked Christmas this year.

I picked up When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley when I was doing my last bit of Christmas shopping earlier this week. I debated buying it since I was supposed to be buying presents for others and “When would I have time to read this anyway?”

I’m so glad I did. I’m almost done. Turns out this will be the last book I’m reading in 2019. It’s really helped me focus my thoughts on my goals for the New Year. Between this book and The Next Right Thing podcast I’ve been listening to lately (by Emily P. Freeman), I’m feeling ready for 2020. Excited even.

Reading the book helped me to look forward as I set some goals for 2020 while the podcast has been encouraging me to reflect back on the year.

Are you a New Year’s goal setter? If so, do you tend to look back and reflect or do focus more on moving ahead? I think both are important.

Maybe you don’t have specific goals; but you just want to set your intention or make sure your priorities are where you really want them to be. Either way, for me, looking back is essential before moving forward.

As I’m sitting here on my dangerously comfortable couch, I’ve unfollowed several people on my Instagram account. I’ve unsubscribed from way too many email subscriptions. Why, why do I fill up my inbox with so much junk?? My inbox isn’t empty but I’ve deleted hundreds of emails (so embarrassing). I’m getting a jump start on some goals for new year.

One of the things I realized when looking back on 2019 was that I needed to declutter. Not just the physical clutter in my house but the mental clutter. So as I cuddle up with my favorite people today, I’m eliminating some of that mental clutter. I will get that inbox to 0 emails!

While I look back on what didn’t work in 2019, I’m also reflecting on all the great moments and all the things that I’m proud of in 2019.

I don’t know when we are going to have a lazy day like this again so I’ll soak up today. I’ll sign off, order some pizza and cry at the ending of It’s A Wonderful Life like I do every year.

See you in 2020.