One Thing Moms Should Stop Doing

Moms, I used to do this all the time.

Ok, I still do; but I try really hard not to.  I’m more aware of it now so I start to catch myself before I say these words……

“I’m so sorry. My house is a mess.” As a friend comes over for a visit or to drop off a book.

“Sure you can drop by. I’ll be home. I’ve got to warn you, though, my house is a disaster.”

“I can give you a ride. I’m so sorry that my car is such a mess, though.”

Do you want to know the honest, selfish truth? When I walk into your house and it’s a bit of a hot mess; it makes me feel better about my house. Inside I breathe a silent sigh of relief and say, “I’m not the only one.”

On the other hand, if it looks like you should be on an episode of Hoarders, we may need to have a talk or perhaps an intervention.

Most of the time, though, when a friend of mine apologizes for her “horribly messy home”, in my eyes it just looks like she actually lives in her house…… with other people…….who leave their shoes in the middle of the floor and their cups out on the counter.

And for the life of me, I can’t seem to get my dogs to put their bones back into the toy basket. What’s up with that?!?5

What if when people came over we said, “Don’t you love how the sink is full of dishes and the floor littered with crumbs? I chose to play outside with my  kids instead of cleaning.”

I know that’s a little silly; but you get the point.

Mamas of  toddlers and babies, you are playing a whole different game. If you want to take a shower, work out, do something for yourself or work from home, your goal shouldn’t be to have everything picked up during the day. It will change as they get older and you’ll be teaching them to pick up their own toys.

I love and appreciate a picked up house and even shared some tips here; but apologizing for a messy house is something we all need to stop. Deal?

Now that I’m finished writing this post, I’m getting this urge to sweep and pull out the vacuum. Don’t worry, I’ll fight it.

Check out my post 5 Ways to Have a “Clean Enough” House.