Five Ways To Have a “Clean Enough” House


I think there are four types of people:

#1 The people who never have anyone over because they’re embarrassed. Maybe their house is a hot mess or they feel their space is too small to entertain.

#2 The people who host like it was their college major. They’re house is neat and clean and a well oiled machine. Everything is in it’s place and not a smudgy door jam or hand printed sliding door in sight.

#3 The people who like to have others over and don’t mind that people see that they actually live in their house. It’s not a train wreck; but they have the pile of shoes by the front door, puppy paw prints on the floor and oh, don’t open their bedroom door. That’s where they stashed that last pile of stuff before everyone came over! (Or is that just me?)

#4 The people who hide and pretend they aren’t home when the door bell rings. Their home is their bat cave and they have no desire to let people know their address.

Whether you fall into any of these categories or not, I want to share a few things that helped me go from being a #1, becoming a #2 (sort of- I’ve never been quite organized enough to achieve that status) and now to a #3 (most days).

I’m not a #4. If you are, you’ve probably already clicked on to something else on your computer.

I was a #1 because I’ve always lived in small spaces. I used to let that keep me from having people over. I finally just decided that I didn’t care. I’d rather have the fun and connections instead of waiting for the spacious living room and large back yard. Then I started turning into a #2 and I exhausted myself. By the time our company had actually come over I was so tired from getting everything “just so” and barking out orders to my kids and The Hubs. And then I just had to clean up AGAIN after everyone left.

#3 is the sweetspot.

Here’s 5 ways to get there:

#1 Don’t Mop Before Your Guests Actually Come Over

For Heaven’s Sake do not mop. Unless your dog just pooped on the floor or you had a pot of raw chicken juice splatter everywhere, do not mop. This is especially crucial if your guests have kids. Those kids will track in dirt, drop food, and your floor will be a mess again in hot second. No one looks. No one cares.

If you are going to mop, do it after they leave. Then you can actually walk on your floor in your bare feet and enjoy yourself.

(Note: If you pastor is coming over, some missionaries, your husband’s boss…. break out the swiffer. I give you permission.)

#2 Pick Up As You Go

My mom must have told me this a hundred times. I never listened. I always had piles around my house. Piles of papers, piles of books (Okay, I still have those.),piles of mail. I’d let the kids leave their toys everywhere. Seriously, when I started picking up as I went and making my kids pick up their own mess, tidying up for company went much faster.

Mom, you were right, as always.

#3 Let Your Kids Clean Even Though It’s Not Perfect

Mamas of little ones, I know you aren’t there yet. You will be one day. Hold on. That day is coming.

My kids, 10.5 and 7, clean up the hallway bathroom. This bathroom is theirs as well as company’s. I don’t expect perfection and my 10 year old is fully capable of wiping down sinks, mirrors and toilets. My 7 year old can sweep, pick up items off the floor and empty the garbage. I use an amazing, all natural, chemical free cleaner that is safe for them to get on their hands and breathe in. I let them go for it and call it a day.

I do have to deep clean the bathroom from time to time. This has made getting ready for company less stressful. Kids doing chores for the win!

#4 Get Rid of Your Junk

Do you know how to organize clutter? Neither do I. Because you can’t.

We are always bringing new things into our home. It’s a sickness we Americans have. Nix the bringing in of stuff or at least be willing to purge things on a regular basis. Better yet, buy less and purge more!

You cannot organize clutter. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work.

#5 Have People Over On A Regular Basis

I’m telling you, this works! Out of all my tips and tricks over the years, this is what helps the most. I’m not talking about throwing big lavish theme parties (though those are super fun) or the epic 40th birthday party (which I did throw). I’m talking about bbqs, a couple over for dinner, host a class/in – home party for a girlfriend, have friends over for a night or your parents for dinner. The less time in between get- togethers, the more often you are tidying up and before you know it you’ll be in a good habit of keeping your house clean(ish).

It’s All About Your Mindset.

If I’m focused on the fact that straightening up my home and keeping it clean (I didn’t say perfect and immaculate at all times) blesses my own family, first; and then enables me to have people over over which blesses them, second, I can find joy in cleaning up my house and I don’t feel the pressure to be picture perfect.

That’s not what it’s all about.

Confession: Cleaning is not my fave; but I sure love it when my house is clean.