These days are definitely in that hazy summer/back to school time.
We started school last week. It was a very soft start. Today as I type, it’s a holiday and so we are already taking a day off of school. I don’t usually take Labor day off; but this year I thought, “Why not?” And so we are.
Some fall activities have started up. Some haven’t. School has started. Co-op hasn’t. Some days are overcast and cool. Some days, like today, are blazing hot. Fall decorations are out at all the stores; but the pool is still open.
It will be a couple of weeks until everything that we have on our plates (I think) for fall is up an running.
Part of me is missing the freedom of summer. The other part is craving the structure of a schedule.
Part of me is relishing in the fact that in a few minutes I’m throwing on shorts, a t-shirt, flip flops and I’m ready for the day. The other part can’t wait for boots, sweaters and a visit to the pumpkin patch. Ok, who am I kidding? Try three or four visits to a pumpkin patch.
My kids would gladly go back to our summer unschedule in a heartbeat.
With one foot in each season, I’m torn between the two myself. Here’s what I’m thankful for, though:
I’m thankful that everything didn’t start up at once. We take breaks from sports, and most things during the summer. So, I’m thankful that everything doesn’t get dumped on us at once.
I’m thankful for the ramping up time, even though the hazy inbetweeness leaves me not quite knowing what to do with myself.
Here’s to “Not Quite Summer Anymore But Not Quite Fall”!