Unhurried Joy: Day 3: Carline

31 Day Writing Challenge

I spend a lot of time in the car. I have two teenagers and neither one has a license yet. I am what one might call a chauffeur or an uber driver who does not charge.

Sometimes we are racing the clock and following a strict schedule to get to all the places on time. And then there are times when I’m waiting…. and waiting…. Waiting for practice to be over. Waiting for youthgroup that is letting out late. The pick-up line at school.

Two things are a must. A good podcast or a good book (paper or audio). Don’t have time to read? Just wait for your kid in car line with a book.

But here’s the joy part. Because waiting in car-line physically slows you down; but inside my mind and heart can still be racing. There are such few years I get to do this. Pretty soon she’ll be driving and she won’t need me to give her rides anymore. She’ll need me a little less.

I can’t even begin to fathom my 11 year old son driving. I’m not even going to go there.

Check out Days one and two of my 31 Day Writing Challenge here and here

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