2 More Books about Slowing Down: 31 Day Writing Challenge: Day 9

In my last post I wrote about my favorite book that taught me about slowing down and really focusing on the things that matter most.

Today I’m sharing two more books that I love and have pushed me to slow down.

The first title pretty much says it all, Crazy Busy: A (mercifully) short book about a (really) big problem. by Kevin DeYoung. Mercifully short it is. At just 118 pages, you could read it in a weekend.

The second book is The Valley of Vision and it’s a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions. These are one page prayers with rich language, so beautiful and deep. I often read a prayer through and then about two more times to let it sink in. You cannot speed read through this book and you wouldn’t want to.

You can read all the 31 Day Challenge Writing Posts here.

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