This is a simple, easy to understand overview of what Essential Oils are, three different ways to use Essential Oils, and why you should use Essential Oils.
What are Essential Oils anyway?
To me, they are magic in a bottle! But, I’m sure you want a more scientific answer right?
Essential Oils are the lifeblood of the plant. They are the most important part of the plant. Essential oils are nature’s volatile aromatic compounds generated within shrubs, flowers, tress, roots, bushes and seeds. The power of these oils lies in its constituents and their synergy. Each essential oil is composed of 200-500 different bioconstituents. This makes them very diverse in their effects. No two oils are alike and each oil can exert many different effects on the body.
Wow, that makes Essential Oils pretty powerful!
How are these powerful oils extracted? 3 ways: steam distillation, hydrodistillation, or cold pressed extraction.

Why should we use Essential Oils?
Essential Oils support every system in our bodies. EVERY SYSTEM. Skeletal, muscular, brain health, circulatory, endocrine, hormones, respiratory, excretory and immune system. They support our organs as well. They also offer emotional support and can be grounding. Oils can be uplifting, help you focus your attention, and bring feelings of calmness.
How Do Essential Oils Work?
How can they do all these things?? Let me explain it this way. Oils can be used and applied to our bodies 3 different ways.
Essential Oils can be inhaled (aromatherapy), applied topically or ingested internally. There are two camps of people: People who ingest oils and people who say you should never ingest oils. I’ve never had an adverse effect from ingesting oils; but I would say you should do your own research and make your own decision on that point. I’m going to focus on the first two: inhaling and applying topically.
Inhalation: This can be done many ways; but one popular way is by diffusing the oils in a diffuser.
The limbic system is a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. So, when a fragrance from an essential oils carries molecules to your nose, those molecules stimulate cells receptors and interact with your body’s nervous system and limbic system. Ever notice how a certain smell can incite feelings of nostalgia (usually good; but sometimes bad)? It brings back a happy memory or perhaps sad? Smell gets routed through the olfactory bulb, which is the smell-analyzing region in your brain. It’s closely connected to your amygdala and hippocampus (organs in the limbic system) , brain regions that handle memory and emotion. The science of how this works is amazing!
Those molecules that reached your cell receptors are delivered to the lungs with each breath. They reach the bloodstream and are carried throughout your entire body, acting directly on your brain and other organs.
Apply Topically: Oils can also be absorbed through the skin. This is why essential oils can stop an itch bite, soothe sore muscles after a workout or heal minor wounds. Often, people apply essential oils with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil. Our skin’s pores absorb the oils quickly which is why applying topically may bring on quick relief.

Why Should We Use Essential Oils?
To me, the question is Why Not?
Why not put things into our body that are going to heal, support and prevent us from sickness instead of things that are laden with chemicals?
Essential Oils can provide natural relief for so many symptoms. It can replace many over the counter drugs and household cleaners that are filled with toxins. We are cleaning our homes but poisoning our bodies.
Where Do I Begin?
First and foremost pick a brand of oils that are 100% pure. Whatever is on the label should absolutely be the only thing in the bottle. There should be no dilution or synthetic fillers. Do your research and purchase from a reputable company, one that is established and has complete control over the planting, growing, harvesting, of their plants, as well as the distillation, bottling and distribution. That’s a tall order, I know. I did my research. Boy did I do research! And to be honest, I found a few reputable companies. But when it came down to it, there was one I felt met all the criteria above and then some. I absolutely fell in love with the heart of the company and what they do for the world we live in beyond the oils. You can check out where I get my oils and learn about their Seed To Seal commitment from here.
Wherever you decide to purchase your oils, a word of caution: You get what you pay for. If you are buying 4 dollar bottles of oil off the shelf at the grocery store, you are not getting pure, therapeutic grade oils. You just aren’t.

Ready to Start?
The way I started was with 11 of the most popular oils that really support every one of my body systems. (And remember, one oil can support more than one system.) I got a diffuser and tried all the oils and saw how each oil worked with my body.
In other words I jumped in.
And I saw amazing things happen in my body.
I’m still at the start of this journey to getting to a healthier, happier and whole me; but investing in mine and my family’s health is one of the best decisions I ever made.
What are you waiting for?
Click here to get started the way I did.