6 Things I Learned This Summer

We are knee deep in fall around. We’ve already made our first trip to the pumpkin patch and as much as I want to post pics of pumpkin patches and write about my favorite fall things, I need to address summer one last time.

I’m not missing summer. In fact every day that reaches over 80 degrees, I quietly curse under my breath. I just want to wear leggings, boots and scarves, ok?

As I delightfully embrace my favorite season, I am reflecting back on summer and what it taught me. I got this idea by following a favorite writer and podcaster of my mine, Emily P. Freeman. She does this seasonally on her blog.

I honestly tried not to overthink these. These are the first 6 things that popped in my mind.

1.) I don’t ever want to cut my hair short again, ever. The last couple of times I’ve chopped my hair, I’ve loved it at first and then proceeded to grow it out. This last time, I cut it a bit too short and my only goal has been to grow it out. I think I’ve finally learned my lesson. No more above the shoulder cuts for me!

2.) I’m not a rush here, rush there kinda of girl. I’m not a schedule busting at the seams; but thriving off the hustle kinda gal. And that’s okay. I’ve never had a busier summer and it ran right into a very (unexpected) stressful August and September. I still haven’t recovered.

3.) Kids are really resilient if you give them a chance. You know that term “lawnmower parent”. Instead of “helicopter parenting”, we now mow the way clear of any struggles or obstacles? I’ve been guilty of that big time. I’m watching my kids experience disappointment and discomfort, knowing it is character building for them and fighting the urge to clear the path for them.

4.) Every show set in England is so much better to me! Father Brown Mysteries on BBC (Netflix for me) have been such a delightful find for me this summer.

5.) Podcasts are my new favorite. Emily P. Freeman’s podcast, The Next Right Thing is a weekly must for me right now.

6.) I am honestly terrified of saying “no” and letting people down. I knew it was a struggle for me; but this summer revealed that I’m down right scared. Unhealthy? Yes. Something I need to work on? You betcha. Big Time!

Reflecting is good, necessary really. Are there things I’ve learned in this last season that will help me make decisions going into this new season? I think so.

Though my summer was maybe a bit too busy, it was filled with good things. I spent time with family and friends. I saw new places and I’m so very thankful. Here’s to maybe a tad slower fall?