Reset, Routines, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

So, what’s getting you through these trying times known as 2020?

Today is the 3rd anniversary of The Tubbs Fire. This was the wildfire that forever changed my hometown, my county, and our community. Things haven’t been the same since. Fire season is now a very real and constant threat for us.

5 days ago our family got back after being evacuated from our home for 6 days due to the Glass Fire here in Northern California.

This was taken from our front porch. The fire came over the hill to about a mile
from our house.

August and September had already been a doozy of a month from smoke from another fire, power outages, and well, the list goes on.

I saw the fire coming over the hill just about a mile from our house Sunday night. Our power went out and so we packed up and went to a friend’s house for the night until Andy got off work. With our two big dogs, it’s hard to find a place to stay when these evacuations happen. Thankfully this time around Andy had the week off so we took the Shangri-La and headed for bluer skies. We spent the week up near Tahoe and had an unexpected EvacuCation. I’m very thankful we had a place to go and that we could all be together. I’m grateful we had a home to come home to.

The Shangri-La. Our home away from home.
Snow Flower Lake
We are not strangers to camping.

Coming back left Andy and I feeling really tired, physically and mentally. The time away was nice; but being evacuated is not relaxing in the least.

It has taken me these 5 days to begin to feel like life is getting back to somewhat normal. There were some added bumps to the already bumpy week. When we returned home we had unexpected car trouble and a very unexpected trip to the doctor with X-rays to boot.

I seriously cannot make this stuff up. 2020 has been like a very bad comic book written by a drunk person.


I have to.

I have to start over, start new, put the crazy weeks behind me and just do the next right thing I know to do.

We are getting our house back together. I’m doing my best to get back to our school routine. I’m giving myself a butt load of grace because….. car problems and unexpected Dr. visits.

I get back to MY ROUTINES. I’ve been working on my routines here. Routines help to put some structure back into our life when things get chaotic.

I bought some REESE’S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS and put them in the fridge because I like my chocolate cold. Stress eating? Maybe. It’s helping, though.

I’m admitting that I can’t do it all and that I’m tired. We are all tired.

I’m choosing rest over getting it all done. (After I caught up on laundry and grocery shopping. Food and clean underwear are a priority.)

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who
are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I’m going to take God up on that promise.