You Don’t Need To Be Great At Everything

So, I’m not a very good cook. I’m just not.

Don’t feel bad for me. It doesn’t really bother me. It used to, for sure. But not anymore. My family gets fed and that’s what’s important.

I cannot for the life of me keep up on my laundry. I suppose I could if I really, really tried. But I don’t. It’s just not at the top of my priority list right now. We have clean, dry clothes. They are just piling up as I write in a nice, clean, wrinkled, wadded ball. The thing is, I’d rather be writing.

I’m not good at saving money or finding deals. I have friends who whip out the coupons, get things for free or manage to score great deals. Not me. I save money by doing one simple thing: Not spending it. I just go without. Not clever but it gets the job done.

It’s easy to think of what you aren’t good at. So, let’s change gears.

For some reason I thought there was this list of what “good moms” did. Where I got this idea from, I’m not really sure.

On that list included delicious home cooked meals each night (nothing processed), folded laundry (that was put away), sewing lessons with my daughter (when I can barely sew myself), a house that was always picked up and windows that weren’t smudged. It also included pinterest-worthy birthday parties, children’s rooms that were always picked up and an immaculent kept up yard.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love all those things (maybe not the pinterest-worthy birthday parties) and have done (or attempted) all those things. But not all at once! Oh, I’ve  tried to do them all at once. I’ve tried and failed.

Throw in kids, two adorable but stinky dogs, a husband’s crazy work schedule and you get the picture……..

I’m happiest when I’m not trying to do “all the things”. And when my season of life calls for doing “all the things”, I’m happiest when I’m not trying to be “super awesome” at everything I do.

Let’s focus on what we are stellar at and celebrate it. The other things have to get done. My family has to wear clothes, preferrably clean. But there is no “good mom list”. So as Elsa would say, “Let it go.”

So, here is what I am good at:

I’m good at making special memories for my kids. The first day of school, birthdays (And I’ve taken down the whole birthday business by several notches!), holiday traditions, etc. It’s my jam and I love doing it.

I’m flexible. I’m not so stuck to a schedule that I can’t stop and have fun with my kids. Or go on an impromptu adventure with the family. I think that’s pretty important.

Again, not the best cook; but I’m a good host. I’m good at opening up my home for birthdays, celebrations, home school co-op days or coffee with friends.

I think all those things make me a good wife, mom and friend.

What are you good at? Whatever it is, let’s be thankful we aren’t all the same and that we all bring something special to the table. It would be oh so very boring if we were all good at everything all the time, wouldn’t it?


3 Oils For a Good Night’s Sleep


When you haven’t been getting a restful, deep night’s sleep for far too long and then you do….. you want to shout from the rooftops! Good sleep is so important.

Nothing has me sleep better than when I started diffusing essential oils.

Here are the 3 oils that have helped me sleep like a baby. (Not the newborn or teething baby!!)

Cedarwood: Natural Sedative (It’s a also a natural antiseptic, helps improve focus, and the list goes on.)

Valor: Supports a restful night’s sleep (Smells amazing!)

Orange: Along with helping with sleep it relaxes muscles and boosts immunity. (Google the benefits of orange essential oil. The list is long.)



These are diffuser blends I use at night. You could run your diffuser for about half an hour and then turn off; but I let my diffuser run until it’s empty.

Sweet Dreams

3 drops Valor

3 drops Cedarwood


Sweet Dreams 2

2 drops Valor

2 drops Cedarwood

2 drops Orange


Would you like to get started with your oils today???


You can grab your Premium Starter Kit here; and let’s get started together.

Want to learn more about oils and how to use them?

Read, Essential Oils 101 What’s In These Bottles Anyways?? here

5 Diffuser Blends To Wake You Up

So my mornings start out pretty much like this……

Turn on coffee.

Let the dogs out.

Put creamer in coffee.

Decide what I’m going to diffuse today.

Then, I can truly start my day. Read my Bible. Check out that To Do List. Start a load of laundry (if I’m feeling ambitious).

Here’s five of my favorite  Diffuser Blends that wake me up and make me happy to be alive:


Get Up and Outside

2 drops of Peppermint

2 drops of Lavender

2 drops of Lemon


Good Morning

3 drops Orange

3 drops Peppermint


Good Morning II

2 drops Orange

2 drops Peppermint

2 drops Lemon

2 drops Lime


Get Up and Go

2 drops Lemon

2 drops Peppermint

2 drops Lime

1 drop Basil



3 drops Orange

3 drops Lemon

2 drops Frank



4 drops grapefruit

1 drop basil

Want to learn more about oils? Read this post, Essential Oils 101 (What’s In These Bottles, Anyways???) , here

Five Ways To Have a “Clean Enough” House


I think there are four types of people:

#1 The people who never have anyone over because they’re embarrassed. Maybe their house is a hot mess or they feel their space is too small to entertain.

#2 The people who host like it was their college major. They’re house is neat and clean and a well oiled machine. Everything is in it’s place and not a smudgy door jam or hand printed sliding door in sight.

#3 The people who like to have others over and don’t mind that people see that they actually live in their house. It’s not a train wreck; but they have the pile of shoes by the front door, puppy paw prints on the floor and oh, don’t open their bedroom door. That’s where they stashed that last pile of stuff before everyone came over! (Or is that just me?)

#4 The people who hide and pretend they aren’t home when the door bell rings. Their home is their bat cave and they have no desire to let people know their address.

Whether you fall into any of these categories or not, I want to share a few things that helped me go from being a #1, becoming a #2 (sort of- I’ve never been quite organized enough to achieve that status) and now to a #3 (most days).

I’m not a #4. If you are, you’ve probably already clicked on to something else on your computer.

I was a #1 because I’ve always lived in small spaces. I used to let that keep me from having people over. I finally just decided that I didn’t care. I’d rather have the fun and connections instead of waiting for the spacious living room and large back yard. Then I started turning into a #2 and I exhausted myself. By the time our company had actually come over I was so tired from getting everything “just so” and barking out orders to my kids and The Hubs. And then I just had to clean up AGAIN after everyone left.

#3 is the sweetspot.

Here’s 5 ways to get there:

#1 Don’t Mop Before Your Guests Actually Come Over

For Heaven’s Sake do not mop. Unless your dog just pooped on the floor or you had a pot of raw chicken juice splatter everywhere, do not mop. This is especially crucial if your guests have kids. Those kids will track in dirt, drop food, and your floor will be a mess again in hot second. No one looks. No one cares.

If you are going to mop, do it after they leave. Then you can actually walk on your floor in your bare feet and enjoy yourself.

(Note: If you pastor is coming over, some missionaries, your husband’s boss…. break out the swiffer. I give you permission.)

#2 Pick Up As You Go

My mom must have told me this a hundred times. I never listened. I always had piles around my house. Piles of papers, piles of books (Okay, I still have those.),piles of mail. I’d let the kids leave their toys everywhere. Seriously, when I started picking up as I went and making my kids pick up their own mess, tidying up for company went much faster.

Mom, you were right, as always.

#3 Let Your Kids Clean Even Though It’s Not Perfect

Mamas of little ones, I know you aren’t there yet. You will be one day. Hold on. That day is coming.

My kids, 10.5 and 7, clean up the hallway bathroom. This bathroom is theirs as well as company’s. I don’t expect perfection and my 10 year old is fully capable of wiping down sinks, mirrors and toilets. My 7 year old can sweep, pick up items off the floor and empty the garbage. I use an amazing, all natural, chemical free cleaner that is safe for them to get on their hands and breathe in. I let them go for it and call it a day.

I do have to deep clean the bathroom from time to time. This has made getting ready for company less stressful. Kids doing chores for the win!

#4 Get Rid of Your Junk

Do you know how to organize clutter? Neither do I. Because you can’t.

We are always bringing new things into our home. It’s a sickness we Americans have. Nix the bringing in of stuff or at least be willing to purge things on a regular basis. Better yet, buy less and purge more!

You cannot organize clutter. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work.

#5 Have People Over On A Regular Basis

I’m telling you, this works! Out of all my tips and tricks over the years, this is what helps the most. I’m not talking about throwing big lavish theme parties (though those are super fun) or the epic 40th birthday party (which I did throw). I’m talking about bbqs, a couple over for dinner, host a class/in – home party for a girlfriend, have friends over for a night or your parents for dinner. The less time in between get- togethers, the more often you are tidying up and before you know it you’ll be in a good habit of keeping your house clean(ish).

It’s All About Your Mindset.

If I’m focused on the fact that straightening up my home and keeping it clean (I didn’t say perfect and immaculate at all times) blesses my own family, first; and then enables me to have people over over which blesses them, second, I can find joy in cleaning up my house and I don’t feel the pressure to be picture perfect.

That’s not what it’s all about.

Confession: Cleaning is not my fave; but I sure love it when my house is clean.


Start Your Journey To A Happy, Whole and Healthier Life



Here’s What Comes In Your Kit:

*A Diffuser

*12 Oils: Lavender, Raven, Citrus Fresh, Frankincense, PanAway, Lemon, Valor, Digize, Thieves, Peppermint, Stress Away, Peace and Calming

*2 roller fitments that fit onto any of the oil bottles to maker a roller

*A sample of Thieves Household Cleaner (Add to a 12-16 oz spray bottle) to make a Natural Household Cleaner (Note: This used to come in the Starter and has been replaced with a 1 oz. Thieves Spray. I still send you the sample the Thieves Household Cleaner, though.)

*Two packets of Ningxia Red- Young Living’s Super Anti-Oxidant fruit puree. It tastes delicious.

*A Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

*$165.00 + tax/shipping

Become  a Young Living Wholesale Member? How?

Get Your Premium Starter Kit Here

To Begin: You will see “Become a Member”. Scroll down just a bit and click on “Get Started”or “Continue”. My id #14516597 will appear. You are on the road to becoming a Wholesale member. You will now get every purchase from here on out at 24 % off. I am your enroller which means I’m here to help you get started and navigate your starter kit and Young Living’s Virtual Office. After you click on “Get Started”…… 

Step #1: Choose Your Starter Kit  (The Dewdrop and Dessert Mist are included in the price of the Starter Kit: $165. The Aria diffuser is extra.) If you are choosing to start with a Thieves, Ningxia, CBD or Welcome Home Starter Kits, you would click on “Other Premium Kits”.

Step #2a: Enroll in Our Essential Rewards Program. Click “Yes”.This is totally optional. You can continue on at this point without signing up. Signing up for Essential Rewards can be done at any time. I do highly recommend signing up for this and tell you why down below.

Step #2b: If you choose to enroll in our Essential Rewards Program then click on “Yes” for making your Premium Starter Kit your first Essential Rewards Purchase. That’s it. You pay nothing extra. (When you choose this, you get free bottle of oil and 10% back right away!!)

Step #3: Set up your Essential Rewards order for NEXT MONTH. You can choose “customize your kit” or choose a premade kit. This will come to your house the following month. (It only needs to be $50 total and you can change it whenever you want.) 

Step #4 Hit continue and you can begin filling in your personal information. (Besides your email, so I can contact you when you get your starter kit, I do not see any of this information,)

That’s it. You will get your Starter Kit in about 10 days.

But That’s Not It. We Are Just Getting Started!

I’ve signed up for a kit. What happens next?

  • After you receive your kit I will meet with you (or chat with you) and we will go through your kit together. If you are not local, there are other ways we can go about this. I’ll get you started on diffusing, taking care of your diffuser, go over your health goals with you, how to use the oils, etc. I will also send you a Welcome Email with all the info you need. If you chose to get started with another Starter Kit, we can go over all your new product.
  • You will receive a Welcome Pack with literature to help you get started and a Thank You gift from me.
  • You are now part of a community. You will be added to our team’s very helpful face book groups, Oily Endeavors Family and Live Well Be Well. These are  great places to ask questions and get support. I have found them to be very helpful as I’ve started in this journey.
  • You will be able to contact me with any questions. I’m your Oil Lady, now!
  • You will get a monthly email newsletter from me with that month’s promos and education to help you further your knowledge of essential oils. There are monthly local classes and facebook classes being offered on many different oil subjects if you would like to learn more.

What Is Essential Rewards (ER) and Why Should I Join? 

Essential Rewards is our Customer Loyalty Program. We know that oils and all the other wonderful products Young Living offers are consumable. Which means you will replacing these products at some point, right? Why not earn money back on the items you purchase (10-25%)? And then get free oils for consistently  making those purchases.

Here’s how ER works:

  • The only requirement is to spend a minimum of $50 PV each month (PV= Personal Volume). Your monthly order (or Monthly Wellness Box) can be customized each month. Earn percentages of what you spend each month back onto your account. You can spend those points, which is like cash, each month or accumulate them and spend them later on Young Living Product. Plus, after month 3, 6, 9 and 12 you receive free oils.
  • Did you know when you sign up with a Premium Starter Kit that can become your very first ER order? Yup!!! You will immediately get 10% of your Starter Kit purchase back in points. Plus, you get another free oil. (Each month this oil is different.)
  • Are you doing the math? 13 oils, a diffuser, 10% back, a reference guide, your wholesale membership (24 % off), cheaper shipping (an ER perk) and all the bonus samples!!!
  • You can unenroll from ER at any time.

This Is Just The Beginning

The oils are like opening the door to a healthier lifestyle. Young Living has hundreds of chemical free, toxin free, plant based products for your personal care, your kids, your pets, your nutrition and more.

Any questions ? Leave them in the comment section below.

Become  a Young Living Wholesale Member? How?

Get Your Premium Starter Kit Here

When you sign up with me and get your Starter Kit (and awesome wholesale membership!) during the month of March, I will send you an amber glass bottle with Thieves label on it. I will also give you a sample of Thieves Household cleaner sample to make your own cleaner ASAP! I will also send you an Immune Roller (Frankincense, Thieves, Lemon and Oregano in a 10 ml roller bottle) and an empty bottle to make a roller of your choice.


Read Essential Oils 101 {What’s In These Bottles, Anyways???} here

Smelly Cars and Dust Bunny Tumbleweeds:: A Lived In Life

The other night my sister and I went to the movies and afterwards she drove me home. For a fleeting moment I felt a twinge of jealousy. I was jealous of her clean car.

Her car shined. I mean, it literally gleamed.

As I slid into the front seat I noticed how good it smelled. There was not a trace of dust, the odd shoe or run away basketball to be seen.

My van on the other hand is….. what’s the word I’m looking for? Well, let’s just say it looks “lived in”. I guess that’s two words.

Of course, I realize we are in two very different stages of life.

My sister’s kids are grown and no longer living at home. She’s the only one who drives her car. She has a little bit more time than I do to do things, like clean her car.

My van takes kids to soccer games and dogs to the vet. It makes beach trips and serves as a truck for our frequent trips to home depot as we are (forever) working on our house. It carries other kids. It takes our own hungry kids through the drive-thru. It carts around groceries, muddy hiking boots and library books. Lots of library books.

We drove home from the beach not that long ago and our van stunk! It reeked of wet dogs, and sea shells. Trust me on this one. Those two smells are not a pleasant combination.

I’m sure my sister’s car did the same thing back in the day.

Lately, I’ve realized that no matter how much planning, picking up, or new housework routine I employ, my house and life (and van) continues to look “lived in”. There are brief moments when my living room looks like the ones I pin on Pinterest. These moments are fleeting, though, and only last if no one is actually at home. And while I keep trying to fix that “lived in” look of my life, I think I’ve finally realized that a life lived is going to look lived in.

So, I’ve really been trying to change my perspective. Because while there is not much in life I can control; my perspective is one thing I can.

Here we go then. Let’s give this a try.

The van full of sand and dog hair = Fun trips to the beach, priceless memories made, and happy pups.

Basketballs rolling around the back of the van = Watching my kids play basketball on Saturday mornings and enjoying the fact that they are healthy and happy.

The colossal tumbleweeds of dust bunnies under my couch = I haven’t spent all my time cleaning and have spent some time snuggling on that couch instead of cleaning underneath it.

Shoes in a pile by the front door= All those shoes belong to my loud and energetic kids. One day the pile will be very small and the house will be much quieter. I will miss those fun and chaotic days. (Ok, I’m crying now. Happy?)

Smudges on the sliding glass door= We have a back yard that we enjoy relaxing in and the kids love playing in. Those hand prints and puppy nose smudges mean we use the back yard a lot.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for keeping a tidy home. I’m an avid believer of having a clean sink before I go to bed. A clean house is good, most days. A perfectly clean house at all times, well that’s just a lot of work and quite frankly, exhausting.

Nobody’s last words as they lay on their death bed were, “I wish I had mopped my floor more.”

If my house looks lived in that means I’ve been out enjoying my life. (It could also mean I’ve been binge watching Netflix; but you get the point.)

My Word For 2018

So, 2018 is already a quarter of the way done. What????? How did that happen?

Normally, I would publish this sort of post in January; but the “new” blog was still under construction. So here I am, 3 months plus into the new year, really thinking about and processing through the word I chose 3 months ago.

The word I chose for 2018 is FOCUSED.

In a way, this coming back and reevaluating my word 3 months later has actually been the best thing. Have I kept my word in mind as I plan out my days and weeks? Did I pick the right word?

My answer is: Yes! I’m so glad I picked this word and I think it’s the best word for me right now.

I’m a big fan of lists and setting goals and making plans. I don’t always follow through with said lists and plans. I don’t always accomplish said goals. But I try.

At the end of 2017 I went over all the things I had wanted to accomplish over that previous year, personal goals, house project goals, etc. And though my year was very busy and I felt like I had done a lot of things, I had not marked many things off my list. It was rather disheartening. Why? Why had I felt like I had been doing, doing, but not accomplishing anything?

I think it’s because I’m like Buddy the Elf, “Ooh shiny bins!”

I like shiny bins. I get distracted by things that at the moment seem good to do and often times “seem” important. It’s not that I don’t work hard. Being idle is not a problem for me (or most moms for that matter). Doing what is most important and not getting caught up in the urgent is where I struggle. Can anyone else relate?

So I’m FOCUSING this year. I’m not focusing so I can get more done. It’s the not amount of things I do that is the goal. I’m FOCUSING on fewer things and trying to DO THOSE THINGS WELL. And those fewer things are things that I’ve thought about and have prayed over and feel are most important right now.

So, what am I focusing on?

In keeping with my word and my goal, I’m keeping it simple.

I’m focusing on 3 main things this year: My Home, My Homeschool and My Heart.

I’ll go into these 3 categories in depth in future blog posts; but for this post I’ll keep it brief.

HOME:: A stay at home mom is part of my job title; but the day to day realities of being at home and taking care of my home can be a struggle for me. Cooking. Keeping up with laundry (Bleh!) Cleaning toilets. I know some people enjoy those things. In all honesty, I don’t. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I love keeping my house tidy, decorating and gardening. I love being home. But, I knew that I was letting areas and responsibilities slide because I just don’t enjoy them and I wasn’t physically home enough to actually do them. So, I’m focusing on what it means to really take care of my home. Note that I didn’t say have a “sparkling clean, looks like no one lives here, iron my sheets” kind of home. Ummm……no. Not eating out as much and making sure Andy always has clean underwear is where this mama is starting.

HOMESCHOOL:: I love homeschooling. I’m so glad God called me to do it because that was definitely not the road I was heading down. I really enjoy having my kids home with me, choosing what they will learn and how it is best for them to learn. I absolutely love the flexibility of our schedule. Homeschooling takes a lot dedication and discipline, though. It takes me, the mom and teacher, being focused. It takes priority over a lot of other things in our family life because it is my kid’s education. And while I know my kids are learning, progressing and are happy, I feel that in the past year our homeschool wasn’t taking as high a priority as it should have been. Some of the reasons for this were out of my control; but some were just me getting distracted by the urgent. So, I’ve reprioritized.

HEART:: Honestly, I was trying to keep with the “H” theme here. This just means taking time to do things that make my heart happy and fill my bucket. As moms, we get so caught up in everyone else’s needs and sometimes forget what reenergizes us, what inspires us, what gets our creative juices flowing. For me it’s writing and working on this blog. That is my creative outlet and I wasn’t giving it any time at all. It made me sad. So I decided to make time for it. This means saying no to other things sometimes; but it’s worth it to me.

Can I add a bonus H here? My HEALTH. I think moms can be the number one culprits of ignoring health problems and not taking care of themselves because we don’t have time. The truth is we don’t have a lot of time. The truth is we need to make the time. I have things I need to take care of to feel better and this is my year to do it.

Now, I know there are times when we all need to reevaluate and even change our goals.They don’t have to be set in stone. Life has a way of throwing your plans out the window sometimes. I realize I need to be flexible.

While I’m focusing this year on my family and home, my homeschool and my personal goals of blogging and getting healthy, I know how much I tend to doubt myself that I can actually make these positive changes in my life. I’m excited and motivated (at the moment); but can I actually accomplish them? Am I brave enough to make big changes? Can I not get distracted by the shiny and urgent in order to do the most important?

With God’s help, ABSOLUTELY!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Psalm 46:5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.  – This is my personal favorite and verse for this year.

I’ve also claimed this quote as my personal mantra for the year. If I go into a situation thinking I cannot succeed, I won’t. Positive thinking goes a long way.

Would you like this printable? Click here for the below version and……………………………………….


and click here for this version or……………………………………………………………….

here for this final version.

What are your goals for 2018? Small or big. Simple or completely daring. I’d love for you to share it in the comments below.

The Accidental Domestic Gets a Facelift

Happy 2018! If you’ve followed my blog for any amount of time you may have thought I had quit blogging. It’s been quite some time since I last posted. My only reason for being MIA is…life. It’s been busy and blogging had to take a back seat for awhile. Priorities have to shift sometimes and things we really love to do have to sit on the back burner……..for awhile. I was still blogging in my brain. In fact, I wrote many stellar posts in my head. Trust me, they were amazing.

We had horrific fires here in my hometown. If you are a reader who doesn’t live in California, I’m sure you watched (or least heard about) the wildfires in Northern California last October. Many friends and even family lost their homes. Entire neighborhoods and historic landmarks burnt to the ground.

October was a hard month.

When your life gets turned upside down, it’s hard to get back into any kind of normal routine. We didn’t lose our home but our city has literally been through hell and it took all of us to rally around and help each other.

You may also notice that the blog looks different. I was really wanting to change things up. You may also notice (or maybe not) that parts of the new blog are not quite working. I switched to a different hosting platform and I haven’t brought all my old posts over yet. I’m working on it. But honestly, I’m really, really bad at technology in general. Please bear with me.

I’m still working on setting things up the way I want them. I kept waiting until I could get everything perfect to begin posting again. I realized if I waited for that I would never start blogging again and all these ideas in my head would remain just that- ideas. So I decided, with the constant prodding from my husband, to just go for it. Jump back in with both feet. And so, I’ve jumped.

I have posts lined up to publish. I have a million other ideas in my head just waiting for me to stop rewatching episodes of The Office, sit down and get to writing. I have a vision of where I want The Accidental Domestic to go and I hope you come along on the  journey with me.


If you subscribed to The Accidental Domestic when I was on my previous platform, I would love it (really, love it) if you would subscribe to this blog. You can subscribe in the box right up there in the right hand corner. You won’t be getting any other notifications from that blog anymore as I will be posting here from now on. If this is your first time visiting me ever, I would love you to subscribe, too. You’ll get a  notification in your email when a new post is published.

To say Thank You! for subscribing I have a free printable to download. They are verse cards of powerful verses to pray over our kids. These can be for your own kids, your grand kids or given to someone who you know needs them. (That would be every parent who has ever lived!)



It feels good to get that first blog post under my belt. Until the next post………