Corona Virus, Cross Stitching and Cans of Corn

I woke up Monday morning and laid still in the quiet for a solid minute. I just laid there and wished that last week was a dream.

I think we all have a little of that Ground Hog’s Day feeling as we’ve woken up each morning this week.

I thought going into last week, that after the dust settled and I stocked up on food, I would hunker down and life would go on pretty much as normal. I home school. I’m used to being home during the day with my kids, teaching them. Though, we are pretty busy with outside activities, it’s not abnormal for me to be home for a couple of days without seeing friends.

Last week was rough, though. It felt like a million years long! As we are heading into week two of our three week Shelter In Place, there is one thing I know. Life is not going back to normal in 2 weeks. We don’t know what the coming weeks will bring. And that not knowing is what has me feeling anxious.

A week and a half ago:

My kids were not talking to their grandparents through window panes, not touching.

Lily and Henry were not Zoom calling their friends. (Though I think Zoom is the greatest invention.)

I had left my neighborhood and shopped at Target.

I wasn’t taking a walk everyday, smiling and saying hello to neighbors I don’t know.

I wasn’t waking up each morning and wondering what bad news I would hear today.

I wasn’t cross stitching each night and taking up embroidery next. I was always too busy with other things. Now I have just a little bit of extra time to do all the “other things”.

I was falling asleep quickly and peacefully. Now, I can’t fall asleep at night. I have this feeling of unsettle in my chest.

My calendar was bursting. Now it’s completely empty. (Except for scheduled Zoom calls.)

I wasn’t keeping track of how many days it takes us to use up a roll of toilet paper and then multiplying that by how many rolls we have left.

I was running to the store for every little thing. I also had no problem finding a can of corn!

I had never heard of social distancing.

Also… A week and half ago:

I wasn’t praying much for others, let alone the cashier at Safeway or Oliver’s.

I read about God’s peace and of course, desired it. Now it is a burning need. I can’t feel peace without Him.

I said I trusted God. Now I have to practice it. I have to really give my anxious heart to God and trust that He is sovereign and good and faithful.

I thought random thunder (that isn’t common to us here) and a flash hail storm was weird and cool. Now I’m like, “Yes, Lord? You were saying??? I’m listening.”

I’m listening.

We call “it” the The Coroni around here. That’s what H named it. I guess it lightens the mood and makes something unknown and scary seem small and a little silly.

“Take that, stupid Coroni!” he said when our trip to The Grand Canyon got cancelled.

We all have our way of coping and none of us have been through a pandemic before so I think H’s way of coping is just fine. And he’s eight.

So what do I do, heading into week two? What do I show my kids to do?

I’m going to (really try to) focus on what is true and lean into Jesus. I will remember that I have a loving God who is big and powerful and not surprised by any of this. I will pray for all those on the front lines. I will do my part by staying home.

Shelter In Place Week One: From Homeschooling to Puppies who don’t care about social distancing.

Fast Food Social Distancing With Friends

Hey Mamas – Stay Healthy and Wash Your Hands

How has 2020 been going for you so far? Did January seem like it was 7,000 days long? I don’t usually feel this way about January; but this year January just dragged on and on and on. Why is that?

Meanwhile, I blinked and February is almost over. Ugh, Time!!!! You tricky minx. You never move at the speed I want.

Our new year started off differently than any other new year so far. The Hubs married two of our friends. As in he officiated the wedding.

No, he is not a pastor.

Yes, it’s legal. They are really married.

I got to be the official witness. That’s a first for me.

It was really special and beautiful and made me wonder why we spend so much money on weddings. It’s not necessary.

Our year started off so beautifully and with an amazing hike! We were off to the greatest start!

Then sickness hit. The Hubs got hit hard. It’s been kinda rough with all the illness going around. I know we are all talking about (and some are fretting) the coronavirus and what not. The flu has hit so many of my family members and friends. So, from one mama to another, I have 3 words for you.


I have yet to get sick this year and was not sick last fall at all. This is quite a feat, if I do say so myself. I can rattle off several reasons why I think my immune system is rocking right now. But, the one thing I’m militant about is washing my hands and washing my kid’s hands (Andy is an adult and he’s on his own.). When we come in from school, church, grocery shopping, you name it, we hit the sink first.

Hand sanitizer is our best friend.

This year I’ve made some steps toward getting healthier. I was inspired by my Word of the Year: START. I just started making some changes. I didn’t overthink it or map out all my steps to achieving my goals. I just started.

The biggest improvement I’ve made is getting more sleep. It’s self-care at it’s most simple. I know the extra sleep (or should I say the appropriate amount of sleep) has helped me stay healthy.

So mamas, could I give you a few more words?

Take Care Of Yourself.

Whether that means extra sleep, or a bath once a week or going out to coffee with a friend. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just start.

Being healthy is more than just washing hands and avoiding the flu. It’s about taking care of your whole person. So what do you need most? Start there.

But seriously, wash your hands.

2 Must Haves Oils For This Cold and Flu Season


Friends, our family has been hit hard this cold and flu season.

Not only did we get hit hard this season; (It’s only mid November as I write this by the way.) we got hit early.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was not “How were we getting sick again?” and it was barely November; but that I got knocked flat on my butt for a good week. A week! That’s just horrible for a mama. I mean, it’s almost disastrous.

It hasn’t helped that we’ve been covered in smoke here in NorCal; but I saw the writing on the wall. “This is going to be a tough winter.” I was using my oils; but not as diligently as I should have been. I know we need more sleep and need to make better choices to have a healthier winter. So a new blog series is born: How To Stay Healthy This Winter

During this fall and winter season, I’ll be sharing ways I’m helping to keep my family healthy. I know there is no magic pill to keep us 100% germ free; but I’m determined to be more diligent in building up our immune systems.

Have any tips to share with me? I’d love to learn from other moms and grandparents and caregivers.

Here’ s my first two tips and they include two of my favorite oils.

1.) Have Thieves on hand ALWAYS and use it in multiple ways.

My favorite way to use Thieves (The Immune Booster) is to just diffuse it in my diffuser. 5-6 drops and that wonderful blend of Rosemary, Cinnamon, Lemon, Clove and Eucalyptus is diffusing throughout your house.

Thieves tea is my next favorite. This is especially wonderful for sore throats and all the germs that come along during this season.

Rubbing Thieves on the bottom of your kiddo’s feet before they head out to school or even before they go to sleep at night is a great way to boost their immune system.

2.) R.C. (Respiratory Care)

You’ve got a powerful blend of Spruce, Cypress and 3 kinds of Eucalyptus.

I’ve made my own chest rub and it’s super simple. 10 drops of R.C. in a 4 oz. jar of Unrefined Coconut Oil. Blend well.

Diffusing R.C. has also worked well for my kids, especially my little guy.


This fall and winter season has gotten off to a rough start; but I’m hoping to turn that around. Praying for healthier days and for the smoke to clear (and the fires to stop) in my beautiful California.


Interested in getting started with Essential Oils? Click here. I’d love to help.

3 Oils For a Good Night’s Sleep


When you haven’t been getting a restful, deep night’s sleep for far too long and then you do….. you want to shout from the rooftops! Good sleep is so important.

Nothing has me sleep better than when I started diffusing essential oils.

Here are the 3 oils that have helped me sleep like a baby. (Not the newborn or teething baby!!)

Cedarwood: Natural Sedative (It’s a also a natural antiseptic, helps improve focus, and the list goes on.)

Valor: Supports a restful night’s sleep (Smells amazing!)

Orange: Along with helping with sleep it relaxes muscles and boosts immunity. (Google the benefits of orange essential oil. The list is long.)



These are diffuser blends I use at night. You could run your diffuser for about half an hour and then turn off; but I let my diffuser run until it’s empty.

Sweet Dreams

3 drops Valor

3 drops Cedarwood


Sweet Dreams 2

2 drops Valor

2 drops Cedarwood

2 drops Orange


Would you like to get started with your oils today???


You can grab your Premium Starter Kit here; and let’s get started together.

Want to learn more about oils and how to use them?

Read, Essential Oils 101 What’s In These Bottles Anyways?? here

5 Diffuser Blends To Wake You Up

So my mornings start out pretty much like this……

Turn on coffee.

Let the dogs out.

Put creamer in coffee.

Decide what I’m going to diffuse today.

Then, I can truly start my day. Read my Bible. Check out that To Do List. Start a load of laundry (if I’m feeling ambitious).

Here’s five of my favorite  Diffuser Blends that wake me up and make me happy to be alive:


Get Up and Outside

2 drops of Peppermint

2 drops of Lavender

2 drops of Lemon


Good Morning

3 drops Orange

3 drops Peppermint


Good Morning II

2 drops Orange

2 drops Peppermint

2 drops Lemon

2 drops Lime


Get Up and Go

2 drops Lemon

2 drops Peppermint

2 drops Lime

1 drop Basil



3 drops Orange

3 drops Lemon

2 drops Frank



4 drops grapefruit

1 drop basil

Want to learn more about oils? Read this post, Essential Oils 101 (What’s In These Bottles, Anyways???) , here

Start Your Journey To A Happy, Whole and Healthier Life



Here’s What Comes In Your Kit:

*A Diffuser

*12 Oils: Lavender, Raven, Citrus Fresh, Frankincense, PanAway, Lemon, Valor, Digize, Thieves, Peppermint, Stress Away, Peace and Calming

*2 roller fitments that fit onto any of the oil bottles to maker a roller

*A sample of Thieves Household Cleaner (Add to a 12-16 oz spray bottle) to make a Natural Household Cleaner (Note: This used to come in the Starter and has been replaced with a 1 oz. Thieves Spray. I still send you the sample the Thieves Household Cleaner, though.)

*Two packets of Ningxia Red- Young Living’s Super Anti-Oxidant fruit puree. It tastes delicious.

*A Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

*$165.00 + tax/shipping

Become  a Young Living Wholesale Member? How?

Get Your Premium Starter Kit Here

To Begin: You will see “Become a Member”. Scroll down just a bit and click on “Get Started”or “Continue”. My id #14516597 will appear. You are on the road to becoming a Wholesale member. You will now get every purchase from here on out at 24 % off. I am your enroller which means I’m here to help you get started and navigate your starter kit and Young Living’s Virtual Office. After you click on “Get Started”…… 

Step #1: Choose Your Starter Kit  (The Dewdrop and Dessert Mist are included in the price of the Starter Kit: $165. The Aria diffuser is extra.) If you are choosing to start with a Thieves, Ningxia, CBD or Welcome Home Starter Kits, you would click on “Other Premium Kits”.

Step #2a: Enroll in Our Essential Rewards Program. Click “Yes”.This is totally optional. You can continue on at this point without signing up. Signing up for Essential Rewards can be done at any time. I do highly recommend signing up for this and tell you why down below.

Step #2b: If you choose to enroll in our Essential Rewards Program then click on “Yes” for making your Premium Starter Kit your first Essential Rewards Purchase. That’s it. You pay nothing extra. (When you choose this, you get free bottle of oil and 10% back right away!!)

Step #3: Set up your Essential Rewards order for NEXT MONTH. You can choose “customize your kit” or choose a premade kit. This will come to your house the following month. (It only needs to be $50 total and you can change it whenever you want.) 

Step #4 Hit continue and you can begin filling in your personal information. (Besides your email, so I can contact you when you get your starter kit, I do not see any of this information,)

That’s it. You will get your Starter Kit in about 10 days.

But That’s Not It. We Are Just Getting Started!

I’ve signed up for a kit. What happens next?

  • After you receive your kit I will meet with you (or chat with you) and we will go through your kit together. If you are not local, there are other ways we can go about this. I’ll get you started on diffusing, taking care of your diffuser, go over your health goals with you, how to use the oils, etc. I will also send you a Welcome Email with all the info you need. If you chose to get started with another Starter Kit, we can go over all your new product.
  • You will receive a Welcome Pack with literature to help you get started and a Thank You gift from me.
  • You are now part of a community. You will be added to our team’s very helpful face book groups, Oily Endeavors Family and Live Well Be Well. These are  great places to ask questions and get support. I have found them to be very helpful as I’ve started in this journey.
  • You will be able to contact me with any questions. I’m your Oil Lady, now!
  • You will get a monthly email newsletter from me with that month’s promos and education to help you further your knowledge of essential oils. There are monthly local classes and facebook classes being offered on many different oil subjects if you would like to learn more.

What Is Essential Rewards (ER) and Why Should I Join? 

Essential Rewards is our Customer Loyalty Program. We know that oils and all the other wonderful products Young Living offers are consumable. Which means you will replacing these products at some point, right? Why not earn money back on the items you purchase (10-25%)? And then get free oils for consistently  making those purchases.

Here’s how ER works:

  • The only requirement is to spend a minimum of $50 PV each month (PV= Personal Volume). Your monthly order (or Monthly Wellness Box) can be customized each month. Earn percentages of what you spend each month back onto your account. You can spend those points, which is like cash, each month or accumulate them and spend them later on Young Living Product. Plus, after month 3, 6, 9 and 12 you receive free oils.
  • Did you know when you sign up with a Premium Starter Kit that can become your very first ER order? Yup!!! You will immediately get 10% of your Starter Kit purchase back in points. Plus, you get another free oil. (Each month this oil is different.)
  • Are you doing the math? 13 oils, a diffuser, 10% back, a reference guide, your wholesale membership (24 % off), cheaper shipping (an ER perk) and all the bonus samples!!!
  • You can unenroll from ER at any time.

This Is Just The Beginning

The oils are like opening the door to a healthier lifestyle. Young Living has hundreds of chemical free, toxin free, plant based products for your personal care, your kids, your pets, your nutrition and more.

Any questions ? Leave them in the comment section below.

Become  a Young Living Wholesale Member? How?

Get Your Premium Starter Kit Here

When you sign up with me and get your Starter Kit (and awesome wholesale membership!) during the month of March, I will send you an amber glass bottle with Thieves label on it. I will also give you a sample of Thieves Household cleaner sample to make your own cleaner ASAP! I will also send you an Immune Roller (Frankincense, Thieves, Lemon and Oregano in a 10 ml roller bottle) and an empty bottle to make a roller of your choice.


Read Essential Oils 101 {What’s In These Bottles, Anyways???} here

Essential Oils 101 (What’s In These Bottles Anyway???)


This is a simple, easy to understand overview of what Essential Oils are, three different ways to use Essential Oils, and why you should use Essential Oils.

What are Essential Oils anyway?

To me, they are magic in a bottle! But, I’m sure you want a more scientific answer right?

Essential Oils are the lifeblood of the plant. They are the most important part of the plant. Essential oils are nature’s volatile aromatic compounds generated within shrubs, flowers, tress, roots, bushes and seeds. The power of these oils lies in its constituents and their synergy. Each essential oil is composed of 200-500 different bioconstituents. This makes them very diverse in their effects. No two oils are alike and each oil can exert many different effects on the body.

Wow, that makes Essential Oils pretty powerful!

How are these powerful oils extracted? 3 ways: steam distillation, hydrodistillation, or cold pressed extraction.

Why should we use Essential Oils?

Essential Oils support every system in our bodies. EVERY SYSTEM. Skeletal, muscular, brain health, circulatory, endocrine, hormones, respiratory, excretory and immune system. They support our organs as well. They also offer emotional support and can be grounding. Oils can be uplifting, help you focus your attention, and bring feelings of calmness.


How Do Essential Oils Work?

How can they do all these things?? Let me explain it this way. Oils can be used and applied to our bodies 3 different ways.

Essential Oils can be inhaled (aromatherapy), applied topically  or ingested internally. There are two camps of people: People who ingest oils and people who say you should never ingest oils. I’ve never had an adverse effect from ingesting oils; but I would say you should do your own research and make your own decision on that point. I’m going to focus on the first two: inhaling and applying topically.

Inhalation: This can be done many ways; but one popular way is by diffusing the oils in a diffuser.

The limbic system is a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. So, when a fragrance from an essential oils carries molecules to your nose, those molecules stimulate cells receptors and interact with your body’s nervous system and limbic system. Ever notice how a certain smell can incite feelings of nostalgia (usually good; but sometimes bad)? It brings back a happy memory or perhaps sad?  Smell gets routed through the olfactory bulb, which is the smell-analyzing region in your brain. It’s closely connected to your amygdala and hippocampus (organs in the limbic system) , brain regions that handle memory and emotion. The science of how this works is amazing!

Those molecules that reached your cell receptors are delivered to the lungs with each breath. They reach the bloodstream and are carried throughout your entire body, acting directly on your brain and other organs.

Apply Topically: Oils can also be absorbed through the skin. This is why essential oils can stop an itch bite, soothe sore muscles after a workout or heal minor wounds. Often, people apply essential oils with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil. Our skin’s pores absorb the oils quickly which is why applying topically may bring on quick relief.


Why Should We Use Essential Oils?

To me, the question is Why Not?

Why not put things into our body that are going to heal, support and prevent us from sickness instead of things that are laden with chemicals?

Essential Oils can provide natural relief for so many symptoms. It can replace many over the counter drugs and household cleaners that are filled with toxins. We are cleaning our homes but poisoning our bodies.


Where Do I Begin?

First and foremost pick a brand of oils that are 100% pure. Whatever is on the label should absolutely be the only thing in the bottle. There should be no dilution or synthetic fillers. Do your research and purchase from a reputable company, one that is established and has complete control over the planting, growing, harvesting,  of their plants, as well as the distillation, bottling and distribution. That’s a tall order, I know. I did my research. Boy did I do research! And to be honest, I found a few reputable companies. But when it came down to it, there was one I felt met all the criteria above and then some. I absolutely fell in love with the heart of the company and what they do for the world we live in beyond the oils. You can check out where I get my oils and learn about their Seed To Seal commitment from here.

Wherever you decide to purchase your oils, a word of caution: You get what you pay for. If you are buying 4 dollar bottles of oil off the shelf at the grocery store, you are not getting pure, therapeutic grade oils. You just aren’t.


Ready to Start?

The way I started was with 11 of the most popular oils that really support every one of my body systems. (And remember, one oil can support more than one system.) I got a diffuser and tried all the oils and saw how each oil worked with my body.

In other words I jumped in.

And I saw amazing things happen in my body.

I’m still at the start of this journey to getting to a healthier, happier and whole me; but investing in mine and my family’s health is one of the best decisions I ever made.

What are you waiting for?

Click here to get started the way I did.