2 Must Haves Oils For This Cold and Flu Season


Friends, our family has been hit hard this cold and flu season.

Not only did we get hit hard this season; (It’s only mid November as I write this by the way.) we got hit early.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was not “How were we getting sick again?” and it was barely November; but that I got knocked flat on my butt for a good week. A week! That’s just horrible for a mama. I mean, it’s almost disastrous.

It hasn’t helped that we’ve been covered in smoke here in NorCal; but I saw the writing on the wall. “This is going to be a tough winter.” I was using my oils; but not as diligently as I should have been. I know we need more sleep and need to make better choices to have a healthier winter. So a new blog series is born: How To Stay Healthy This Winter

During this fall and winter season, I’ll be sharing ways I’m helping to keep my family healthy. I know there is no magic pill to keep us 100% germ free; but I’m determined to be more diligent in building up our immune systems.

Have any tips to share with me? I’d love to learn from other moms and grandparents and caregivers.

Here’ s my first two tips and they include two of my favorite oils.

1.) Have Thieves on hand ALWAYS and use it in multiple ways.

My favorite way to use Thieves (The Immune Booster) is to just diffuse it in my diffuser. 5-6 drops and that wonderful blend of Rosemary, Cinnamon, Lemon, Clove and Eucalyptus is diffusing throughout your house.

Thieves tea is my next favorite. This is especially wonderful for sore throats and all the germs that come along during this season.

Rubbing Thieves on the bottom of your kiddo’s feet before they head out to school or even before they go to sleep at night is a great way to boost their immune system.

2.) R.C. (Respiratory Care)

You’ve got a powerful blend of Spruce, Cypress and 3 kinds of Eucalyptus.

I’ve made my own chest rub and it’s super simple. 10 drops of R.C. in a 4 oz. jar of Unrefined Coconut Oil. Blend well.

Diffusing R.C. has also worked well for my kids, especially my little guy.


This fall and winter season has gotten off to a rough start; but I’m hoping to turn that around. Praying for healthier days and for the smoke to clear (and the fires to stop) in my beautiful California.


Interested in getting started with Essential Oils? Click here. I’d love to help.