3 Things….

3 things2

3 Things I learned this winter.

3 Things I’m Leaving Behind This Spring

3 Weeks Of Shelter In Place

Originally, my plan was to post “What I Learned This Winter” at the beginning of March. Then Corona hit. I got mmmm….just a little distracted. I finally sat down and hammered out some thoughts about all that was going on and posted that here. So, while I’m already working on “What I Learned This Spring”, ( This spring has been epic and life changing and we are only 3 weeks in.) I still wanted to post this.

It’s all still true. Though now posting about what I learned during the winter kind of seems trivial and light – hearted amid all that’s going on. A little levity may be what we all need right now. That and a reminder that hopefully life will go somewhat back to normal in the future.

So here’s 3 Things I Learned This Winter, 3 Things I Want To Leave Behind, and a 3 Weeks Shelter In Place Update (for posterity).

3 Things I Learned This Winter:

My goal was to post 5-7 things I learned; but my brain is muddled with the latest Corona count, how to disinfect my groceries, and homeschooling my kids during isolation. So, this is what you get.

  1. Sometimes You Just Need To Start.

I’m a planner, list maker and backwards planner. I’ve got my monthly goals, my weekly goals, and my daily goals all written out in my favorite colored pens. I’m learning that all the planning the world doesn’t do me any good if I don’t just start already! Just start. Even if I don’t have a plan. This has been hard for me. I’m a work in progress.

Note: I’m laughing at my goal making right now because what my planner usually looks like and what it looks like now is quite different. Now, I just plan Zoom calls.

2. I’ve Missed Reading A Really Good Page Turner.

I’ve missed reading in general. I’ve been doing more of it and it’s made me really, really happy. Recently I read Woman in the Window. It was a suspenseful page turner. I wasn’t reading to understand something better or gain knowledge. I was just reading for fun.

Note: I’ve definitely had more time to read these last few weeks.

3. Getting Older Sucks; But I’m Not Alone.

I stepped out of the car and somehow twisted my ankle. I started to chase my 8 year old at the park and realized my legs weren’t working right somehow. I twisted my knee getting up from sitting on the ground. I’m getting older; but come on! It seems like the 40’s is also code for “body parts wearing down”. I know I’m not alone here. I think I need to start exercising more than once a week.

Note: Since our Shelter In Place 22 days ago I’ve done a lot more walking. Thanks, Corona Virus, for upping my exercise game. Also, I chased Henry down the road today and did not pull a thing or get winded. Improvement!

3 Things I Want To Leave Behind

  1. Worry

Can I say leave behind Covid-19?

I’d really like to kick that one in the mouth, to the curb, and off the side of a cliff. Ok, I don’t have the power to do that. I am, however, working on leaving WORRY behind. I’ve had enough sleepless nights and anxious thoughts in the past 24 + days to confirm, yet again, that me worrying doesn’t change a single thing. This is not easy to do. AT ALL!!! God has been working on my unbelieving heart. “Are you going to say that you trust me? Or are you actually going to do it? Are you going to lay it at my feet, each day? Each hour? Do you really believe I’m as big and powerful as you say I am?”

2. Hating My Age

Ever since 40 I’ve spent each birthday like I was facing impending doom. About a month prior to the day, I’ve wondered in disbelief on how I got here so quickly? How did my face get like this? Why is my arm skin hanging like that? I have to dye my roots already. Ugghhh….. 40’s.

I’m kinda sick of the negative self talk. Honestly, this virus has showed us all, about as clear as can be, that we do not know when our last day is our last day. I’m done dreading the age. I’m celebrating it. I’m 46! I just spent my birthday in quarantine and it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.

3. Eating Out So Much

Ha! Yes, this is me being funny. We’ve been ordering from a local restaurant once a week; but other than that it’s me, cooking, all the time…….

3 Weeks Into Quarantine Looks Like:

Making Bath Bombs With Lily

Taking Walks. This is from our last hike we took in a park in Napa. Shortly after this, all the parks were closed. Rain or shine, we get our walks in.

Still Schooling

Zoom Calling

Falling In Love With Embroidery

Shopping 6 Feet Apart

Foraging for Flour

My 46th Birthday

Being Together….a lot.

Hang in there, gang!

Corona Virus, Cross Stitching and Cans of Corn

I woke up Monday morning and laid still in the quiet for a solid minute. I just laid there and wished that last week was a dream.

I think we all have a little of that Ground Hog’s Day feeling as we’ve woken up each morning this week.

I thought going into last week, that after the dust settled and I stocked up on food, I would hunker down and life would go on pretty much as normal. I home school. I’m used to being home during the day with my kids, teaching them. Though, we are pretty busy with outside activities, it’s not abnormal for me to be home for a couple of days without seeing friends.

Last week was rough, though. It felt like a million years long! As we are heading into week two of our three week Shelter In Place, there is one thing I know. Life is not going back to normal in 2 weeks. We don’t know what the coming weeks will bring. And that not knowing is what has me feeling anxious.

A week and a half ago:

My kids were not talking to their grandparents through window panes, not touching.

Lily and Henry were not Zoom calling their friends. (Though I think Zoom is the greatest invention.)

I had left my neighborhood and shopped at Target.

I wasn’t taking a walk everyday, smiling and saying hello to neighbors I don’t know.

I wasn’t waking up each morning and wondering what bad news I would hear today.

I wasn’t cross stitching each night and taking up embroidery next. I was always too busy with other things. Now I have just a little bit of extra time to do all the “other things”.

I was falling asleep quickly and peacefully. Now, I can’t fall asleep at night. I have this feeling of unsettle in my chest.

My calendar was bursting. Now it’s completely empty. (Except for scheduled Zoom calls.)

I wasn’t keeping track of how many days it takes us to use up a roll of toilet paper and then multiplying that by how many rolls we have left.

I was running to the store for every little thing. I also had no problem finding a can of corn!

I had never heard of social distancing.

Also… A week and half ago:

I wasn’t praying much for others, let alone the cashier at Safeway or Oliver’s.

I read about God’s peace and of course, desired it. Now it is a burning need. I can’t feel peace without Him.

I said I trusted God. Now I have to practice it. I have to really give my anxious heart to God and trust that He is sovereign and good and faithful.

I thought random thunder (that isn’t common to us here) and a flash hail storm was weird and cool. Now I’m like, “Yes, Lord? You were saying??? I’m listening.”

I’m listening.

We call “it” the The Coroni around here. That’s what H named it. I guess it lightens the mood and makes something unknown and scary seem small and a little silly.

“Take that, stupid Coroni!” he said when our trip to The Grand Canyon got cancelled.

We all have our way of coping and none of us have been through a pandemic before so I think H’s way of coping is just fine. And he’s eight.

So what do I do, heading into week two? What do I show my kids to do?

I’m going to (really try to) focus on what is true and lean into Jesus. I will remember that I have a loving God who is big and powerful and not surprised by any of this. I will pray for all those on the front lines. I will do my part by staying home.

Shelter In Place Week One: From Homeschooling to Puppies who don’t care about social distancing.

Fast Food Social Distancing With Friends

6 Things I’m Doing To Stay Healthy This Season

Wow, it has been a rough winter season for a lot of people with the cold and flu. This spring does not show any signs of letting up, either. Oh, to be able to live under a rock! Since that is not an option, let’s give our immune systems the best boost we can to fight all the nasty germs and viruses. Let’s practice some healthy habits, shall we? This is what I’m doing (and the fam) to stay healthy. Take that coronavirus!!

1.) Girl, Wash Your Hands.

So, we should be doing this all the time anyway; but let’s be extra vigilant about this one. Wash your hands, make your kid’s wash their hands, tell your friends to wash their hands, you get the picture. This does not mean the 8 year old boy version of washing your hands. Sing the entire abc’s while scrubbing. Really get in there. Moms of littles are rolling their eyes at me right now. I get it. Just do your best.

2.) Hand Sanitizer is now your best friend.

This is my favorite hand sanitizer. Thieves hand sanitizer kills %99.9 of germs. It was recently Thieves Hand Sanitizer has FDA approved (So it no longer reads Hand Purifier) and doesn’t have the yucky stuff that’s in a lot of other sanitizers. Oh, and it has the Thieves oil blend in it! See number #3.

3.) Use all the Thieves.

Thieves is this amazing blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary. These are powerhouse oil for boosting the old immune system.

So what can you do with it? Diffuse, diffuse, diffuse. And then diffuse some more. You can dilute drops in some carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil) and roll/rub on your chest, spine and the bottom of your feet.

You can clean all your surfaces with the Thieves Household Cleaner and get your own Thieves oil here , as well.

4.) Get out in the Sun.

Soak in all that vitamin D!! It’s so good for you. I was bit perturbed at this early spring we are experiencing in NorCal. My allergies weren’t very happy; but it’s been a blessing in disguise. With all the yucky viruses and what not going around, I’m glad I’m not stuck in the house. I can get out, exercise and soak up the sun. That vitamin D is so good for boosting our immune systems!

5.) Boost that Immune System

We’ve touched on this already; but here’s 2 ways to can boost your immune system starting now:

Sleep: Easier said than done, I know. It’s been hard; but I’ve been making myself get to bed earlier. I’ve have noticed a big improvement.

Eat Less Sugar: Ouch! This one is hard to write because this is the area I’m not doing so great with. I had to include it because it’s so important. It is definitely something I need to work on big time. So, I write this being %100 honest that I need to practice what I preach.

6.) Take your Supplements.

I’m kinda new to the supplement game so my routine is fairly simple. We are all taking our Vitamin C regularly and I have the kiddos on a pro/prebiotic.

My gamechanger has been YL’s Ningxia Red. It is a puree of superfruits and oils, the main fruit being the Ningxia Wolfberry which is off -the-chart high in anti oxidants. Just two ounces a day does the trick.

When all is said and done, we do the best that we can do when it comes to our health. We make the best decisions that we can with the knowledge and resources we have. Ultimately, we must leave our health in God’s hands. That’s where faith and trust come in. This is where we don’t give in to fear.

I hope this list is encouraging. You obviously don’t have to do everything that I do. This is what has been keeping me healthy (and cold/flu free so far) this winter.

I’d love to hear what you are doing to stay healthy. Leave your tips in the comments!

Check this out! Here’s my blog post with my Thieves Tea recipe here. It is also amazing how the winter in that blog post (from 2 years ago) is so different from this past winter. I wasn’t incorporating oils regularly like I am now.

Hey Mamas – Stay Healthy and Wash Your Hands

How has 2020 been going for you so far? Did January seem like it was 7,000 days long? I don’t usually feel this way about January; but this year January just dragged on and on and on. Why is that?

Meanwhile, I blinked and February is almost over. Ugh, Time!!!! You tricky minx. You never move at the speed I want.

Our new year started off differently than any other new year so far. The Hubs married two of our friends. As in he officiated the wedding.

No, he is not a pastor.

Yes, it’s legal. They are really married.

I got to be the official witness. That’s a first for me.

It was really special and beautiful and made me wonder why we spend so much money on weddings. It’s not necessary.

Our year started off so beautifully and with an amazing hike! We were off to the greatest start!

Then sickness hit. The Hubs got hit hard. It’s been kinda rough with all the illness going around. I know we are all talking about (and some are fretting) the coronavirus and what not. The flu has hit so many of my family members and friends. So, from one mama to another, I have 3 words for you.


I have yet to get sick this year and was not sick last fall at all. This is quite a feat, if I do say so myself. I can rattle off several reasons why I think my immune system is rocking right now. But, the one thing I’m militant about is washing my hands and washing my kid’s hands (Andy is an adult and he’s on his own.). When we come in from school, church, grocery shopping, you name it, we hit the sink first.

Hand sanitizer is our best friend.

This year I’ve made some steps toward getting healthier. I was inspired by my Word of the Year: START. I just started making some changes. I didn’t overthink it or map out all my steps to achieving my goals. I just started.

The biggest improvement I’ve made is getting more sleep. It’s self-care at it’s most simple. I know the extra sleep (or should I say the appropriate amount of sleep) has helped me stay healthy.

So mamas, could I give you a few more words?

Take Care Of Yourself.

Whether that means extra sleep, or a bath once a week or going out to coffee with a friend. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just start.

Being healthy is more than just washing hands and avoiding the flu. It’s about taking care of your whole person. So what do you need most? Start there.

But seriously, wash your hands.

Hello 2020. My Word For The Year.

Hello, 2020. New Year. New Decade.

In years past, I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with goals and resolutions, with timelines and timetables of how and when I was going to get things done. I never really checked that many goals off my list (and honestly, usually had listed way too many goals).

So, for the last few years I’ve picked a word for my year. It’s been more about me setting an intention and I’ve liked it so much better. I know, I know….everyone’s picking a word for the year these days. It’s nothing new. I get it; but it works for me.

Actually, the word picked me this year, so I’m excited to share.


Just Start. Simple and to the point. No frills. Just get up off my butt and start doing.

See, I still set goals. I’m such a goal setter and list maker and journal filler. When I looked back over my goals from last year (which were really good, by the way), there were so many I had made absolutely no progress on. None. Zip. Zilch.

Now 2019 was great. I grew a lot. I had unexpected challenges thrown at me. I was brave when I didn’t want to be. In fact one of my best days ever happened in 2019. And despite all my unchecked boxes on my list, I’m still going into 2020 feeling really optimistic.

My recurring questions and frustration was, “What was the point of setting goals if I wasn’t reaching them ?”

So I asked a myself a few questions before plowing into the new year with that one little word START burning in the back of my brain.

One of the questions I asked was, “Were my goals realistic?” Were they things I was really passionate about or would truly make me a better wife, mom, friend? I know what my core priorities are; but were the goals that I was setting really lining up with that?

Like I said, my word picked me.

Words like Declutter, Focus, Do Less (yes, that’s two) floated around. I kept coming back to that word Start. Just start. And if I could pick a sub word for my year it would be SIMPLIFY:

In other words START: with side of Simplify.

In a frustrated moment I vented, ” I don’t need new goals to reach. I just want to actually accomplish the goals I’ve already set!”

No one knows you better than you. I know myself pretty well. I was really honest with my frustrated self and I know God gave me wisdom and discernment. He pointed out two things: 1.) I had too many goals I was trying to focus on. In other words, I was like a scattered squirrel. 2) I was waiting for life to be more settled, my moments to be more quiet, and for me to catch up on my laundry before I set out to do things that really are important to me.

In other words, I needed to put the checklist down, close the cover on my creatively lettered bullet journal and just start, already.

This year is about Starting (and finishing) in the middle of the mess, the unfolded laundry, the grocery shopping, the unexpected illnesses.

In the middle of the imperfection of life will be the perfect time for me to START.

What’s your word for the year? What are some goals, big or small, you have for the new year?

In my last post Hindsight is 2020, I talked about how reflecting on the past helps us shape goals for the future (or maybe just make better decisions). I made two lists at the end of 2019: What Didn’t Work in 2019 and What I Want To Keep Doing in 2020. Both were very helpful as I began 2020.

Here’s to 2020 and the START of wonderful things.

Hindsight is 2020

I’m waist deep into my Christmas break right now. It’s the Friday after Christmas and the Bauers have not left the couch. Yesterday we took a lovely two-mile walk around Spring Lake; but today……. Today is all about not getting out of our pajamas, ordering pizza, watching It’s a Wonderful Life, and celebrating down time with The Hubs since he worked Christmas this year.

I picked up When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley when I was doing my last bit of Christmas shopping earlier this week. I debated buying it since I was supposed to be buying presents for others and “When would I have time to read this anyway?”

I’m so glad I did. I’m almost done. Turns out this will be the last book I’m reading in 2019. It’s really helped me focus my thoughts on my goals for the New Year. Between this book and The Next Right Thing podcast I’ve been listening to lately (by Emily P. Freeman), I’m feeling ready for 2020. Excited even.

Reading the book helped me to look forward as I set some goals for 2020 while the podcast has been encouraging me to reflect back on the year.

Are you a New Year’s goal setter? If so, do you tend to look back and reflect or do focus more on moving ahead? I think both are important.

Maybe you don’t have specific goals; but you just want to set your intention or make sure your priorities are where you really want them to be. Either way, for me, looking back is essential before moving forward.

As I’m sitting here on my dangerously comfortable couch, I’ve unfollowed several people on my Instagram account. I’ve unsubscribed from way too many email subscriptions. Why, why do I fill up my inbox with so much junk?? My inbox isn’t empty but I’ve deleted hundreds of emails (so embarrassing). I’m getting a jump start on some goals for new year.

One of the things I realized when looking back on 2019 was that I needed to declutter. Not just the physical clutter in my house but the mental clutter. So as I cuddle up with my favorite people today, I’m eliminating some of that mental clutter. I will get that inbox to 0 emails!

While I look back on what didn’t work in 2019, I’m also reflecting on all the great moments and all the things that I’m proud of in 2019.

I don’t know when we are going to have a lazy day like this again so I’ll soak up today. I’ll sign off, order some pizza and cry at the ending of It’s A Wonderful Life like I do every year.

See you in 2020.

My Accidental Pumpkin Patch

I have an affinity for pumpkins. Just ask anyone.

The question around October 1st isn’t, “Jen, will you go to the pumpkin patch this year?” It’s “Jen, how many times are you going to the pumpkin patch this year?”

I love all things pumpkin. One of my greatest joys is wandering around a farm with vines and vines of pumpkins, going on a hayride, and a good corn maze doesn’t hurt. I enjoy picking out the perfect gourd like most women enjoy picking out a pair of shoes.

A dream of mine was to grow my own pumpkins. (Actually my dream was to grow the pumpkins, then make a homemade pumpkin pie from scratch, crust included, from the homegrown pumpkins. I did just that. Once. And only once.)

One spring I planted seeds and grew about 4 pumpkins in my back yard. A couple of years later we moved and I just didn’t have the space. Then one December, I did something quite without meaning to and my accidental pumpkin patch was born.

This is my very first pumpkin patch. Henry was 3 and Lily was 6.

While my porch is delightfully overrun with pumpkins in the fall, come the day after Thanksgiving, fall is back in the bins until next year. As I pulled out my Christmas decorations, I couldn’t bear to part with my beautiful pumpkins. They were simply too pretty to throw away.

So off in the corner of the front lawn they went. The Hubs tucked them neatly away off to the side of our front yard and there they stayed and were eventually forgotten until about March. After some epic rain we noticed the pumpkins were decomposing. Andy pitched the decaying gourds into the trash and left the innards of seeds scattered on the ground.

Then something amazing happened. A month or so later, with more rain, I noticed some pumpkin leaves. Those baby seed leaves and then large green leaves are unmistakable. We accidentally planted a mini pumpkin patch!!!

I was absolutely giddy. I’ve never been happier.

My original Accidental Pumpkin Patch

I think we grew four pumpkins that year.

Ahh… This is just 2 years ago and they look like babies!!! H (6) L (9)

Ok, can I just stop and cry about how much older they look now? This was just two years ago. This also documents the time that Henry decided to cut his own hair……

Wearing my gardening shoes
Classic Bang Chop

Fast forward to the next year. We did the same thing again. This time the seeds didn’t take. Which didn’t entirely surprise me because I made no attempt to actually plant the seeds. We just leave them on the ground and see what plants itself. No pumpkin patch last year.

This past spring, though, my heart skipped a beat as I peered out onto our front yard. Our lawn has turned into a pretty pathetic weed patch, unfortunately, so seeing those pumpkins leaves brought a big, fat smile to my face. Yes, we had another mini pumpkin patch!

Accidental Pumpkin Patch 2019
I’ve got little ones this year!
This is my only green pumpkin or perhaps an acorn squash.

This year’s patch is different in a few ways. I have 14 pumpkins instead of 4!!! They are much smaller from two years ago, though. I have about 4 different kinds of pumpkins this time which is really fun. I never know which of my pumpkin seeds will take so it’s fun to see which ones grow.

What started as me purely wanting to enjoy my pumpkins a little longer (and then a bit of laziness) has turned into a delightful tradition. It was all very accidental which kinda goes with me, don’t you think? Will I make pies out of my pumpkins or carve them? How long will they stay on the vine? Will I give in and actually plant seeds next year? I don’t know. But that’s all part of the fun.

Our Latest Trip to The Pumpkin Patch Henry (8) Lily (11)

6 Things I Learned This Summer

We are knee deep in fall around. We’ve already made our first trip to the pumpkin patch and as much as I want to post pics of pumpkin patches and write about my favorite fall things, I need to address summer one last time.

I’m not missing summer. In fact every day that reaches over 80 degrees, I quietly curse under my breath. I just want to wear leggings, boots and scarves, ok?

As I delightfully embrace my favorite season, I am reflecting back on summer and what it taught me. I got this idea by following a favorite writer and podcaster of my mine, Emily P. Freeman. She does this seasonally on her blog.

I honestly tried not to overthink these. These are the first 6 things that popped in my mind.

1.) I don’t ever want to cut my hair short again, ever. The last couple of times I’ve chopped my hair, I’ve loved it at first and then proceeded to grow it out. This last time, I cut it a bit too short and my only goal has been to grow it out. I think I’ve finally learned my lesson. No more above the shoulder cuts for me!

2.) I’m not a rush here, rush there kinda of girl. I’m not a schedule busting at the seams; but thriving off the hustle kinda gal. And that’s okay. I’ve never had a busier summer and it ran right into a very (unexpected) stressful August and September. I still haven’t recovered.

3.) Kids are really resilient if you give them a chance. You know that term “lawnmower parent”. Instead of “helicopter parenting”, we now mow the way clear of any struggles or obstacles? I’ve been guilty of that big time. I’m watching my kids experience disappointment and discomfort, knowing it is character building for them and fighting the urge to clear the path for them.

4.) Every show set in England is so much better to me! Father Brown Mysteries on BBC (Netflix for me) have been such a delightful find for me this summer.

5.) Podcasts are my new favorite. Emily P. Freeman’s podcast, The Next Right Thing is a weekly must for me right now.

6.) I am honestly terrified of saying “no” and letting people down. I knew it was a struggle for me; but this summer revealed that I’m down right scared. Unhealthy? Yes. Something I need to work on? You betcha. Big Time!

Reflecting is good, necessary really. Are there things I’ve learned in this last season that will help me make decisions going into this new season? I think so.

Though my summer was maybe a bit too busy, it was filled with good things. I spent time with family and friends. I saw new places and I’m so very thankful. Here’s to maybe a tad slower fall?

My (Slightly Ambitious) Summer Reading List

Is summer winding down already?? The schools supplies have taken over Target, fall sports are starting up again and yes, kids are going back to school. Our summer break ended just a couple of week ago and I’m still working on my summer reading list. Before my summer got all crazy, I wrote up this blog post. So can we just pretend that I posted this blog post when I wrote it, way back in June?

Mmmm, okay? Great.

I’ve got so many great books to share with you but first……… let me be honest. Or rather, let me be honest with myself. I’m not going to finish all these books this summer.

I would absolutely love to; but since it’s a struggle to get my one book read for book club each month, 10 books seems a bit of a stretch. Granted I’ve already started a few, one is super short, and I’ve finished one on the list already.

But let’s be real.

I have kids. Laundry. Feeding of said kids. A husband. Netflix shows to binge watch. Blog posts to write. Instagram feeds to keep up with, (check me out at theaccidentaldomestic on Instagram) Friends. Playdates. You get the idea.

But still….I dream.

Whether I finish these books this summer or this year (or next summer), here is the line up. Enjoy.

Have you read any of these? Share your thoughts. Are there any on the list you’d like to read?

Books I’ve Started And Set Aside And Would Now Like To Finish

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

I started this book months ago, maybe even last summer. I had to set it aside to keep up with that month’s book club book and never got back to it. So, I’m picking it back up. This is a fiction read that seems pretty interesting so far.

Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Make for Strong, Confident and Capable Children by Angela J. Hanscom

I’ve enjoyed this non-fiction read every time I pick it up. I go highlighter crazy when I get into it.

Books I’ve Just Begun This Summer

You Carried Me by Melissa Ohden

This is the book club book we will be discussing in August. I actually just finished this one. It’s a memoir of woman who knows that she is adopted, but finds out that she miraculously survived an abortion. This was a quick read and I enjoyed it. Being Pro-Life, I really appreciated this woman telling her story so honestly and sharing how God redeemed relationships in her life and brought healing.

Daring Greatly by Brene’ Brown

So far, I’m loving this book. Brene’ Brown is all about research and backing her findings with years of collected data. While very straightforward; it really dives deep into how shame can and does control our lives, our decisions and relationships. It’s been a very thought provoking read so far.

Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs

I listen to Annie’s podcast, This Sounds Fun and really enjoy that. Reading her book is a lot like listening to her talk. I’m enjoying it so far; and am sure I’ll have more thoughts on this as I get closer to finishing it.

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch

This book.!!!! This book is a must read for every parent. Absolute Must. So far, this has been the best book I’ve read so far this summer.

Books I Haven’t Started Yet

Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

This is a non-fiction/ parenting book. Seeing as the previous book is a parenting book as well, I may push this book to the fall.

Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick

She spoke at our Womens’ retreat this past spring and it was one of those moments where my thinking about and view of Christ really changed for the better. I saw my relationship with Him in a way I hadn’t before, so I really wanted to read the book that our retreat was based on.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

This is another book club pick for the summer, so I’ll start reading this closer to the end of summer. We will be discussing it in September.

Oils of the Bible by Erin Rodgers

This book is super short and more of an educational one for me. I can read this in one sitting; but wanted to include it in the list. I’m going to Young Living’s Convention this week, so I’m going to take it on the plane and probably read it then.

Not Pictured But Would Still Like To Read

I have a lot of non-fiction on my list and really feel like I need another good fiction book in the mix. I can only read so many non-fiction books in a row before I need a break.

Also, I’d love to read a good biography.

If you have any suggestions for a fiction or biography, drop them in the comments.

Follow me at theaccidentaldomestic on IG or Facebook and to see how I’m doing on my stack of books and reviews of them as I finish.

Update: At the time of posting this these are the books I’ve read: You Carried Me, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, Looking for Lovely, Oils of the Bible, and the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (almost).

When You Hit The Ground Running

We’ve been summer traveling. It’s been fun, to say the least. Seeing new places, spending time with family and friends. No schedule. No routine. Making memories. Not getting nearly enough sleep.

Then home.

In 16 days, I went on three trips (two with my family, one with my Young Living sisters). I was home for a total of two days in between trips.

I came home exhausted. I’m not complaining. (Ok, maybe a little.) Can you complain from having too much fun? Nevertheless, my body and mind were tapped out.

So what did we do as soon as we got home? Hit the ground running, of course. Lily took off to the fair, I headed to book club, got to work on a Women’s Ministry Event, and Andy resumed work. Meanwhile I worked through loads of laundry and literally cups of Family Camp dirt. (We go to our church’s family camp each summer and come home with a lot of the famous “orange family camp dirt”.)

And then my dad had emergency surgery 2 days after we returned home. I won’t get into details; but he had complications from kidney stones which are in BOTH kidneys and still haven’t been removed. I drove over to be with my mom and possibly spend the night while my sister was in the ER with our dad. After 3 weeks of non-stop, we came home to NON- STOP.

Wait a minute. I needed a breather.

I knew my dad’s situation wasn’t life or death; but when your parents get older, sometimes routine procedures don’t turn out routine. You know what I mean? As I drove over to their house with my kids in the back seat this image kept coming to my mind.

I was in elementary school and I walked past my parent’s room. The door was open just a bit and I could see my mom. She was pulling her shirt over her head. My mom was getting dressed while sitting on the edge of her bed and she was crying. She was looking up at my dad with tears running down her cheeks. I would find out later that her dad had just died.

I had to be about Henry’s age, when my grandpa died. Which made my mom just a little bit younger than what I am now.

How did she work full-time, take care of multiple kids and a household while going through something so heartbreaking? How do you do life and keep going (because life just keeps going) when the abnormal, the hard and the tragic happen?

My mom and grandpa lived in different states. Though she didn’t see him as often as I see my parents, she was very close to him and had always been since she was little.

This is what I thought about as I drove over to sit with my mom and keep her company until my sister and dad came home, whenever that would be.

My dad is doing okay. He still has those stones!!! He has a few more procedures to go through. My parents are going to need a lot of help over the next several weeks. Life keeps going; but my priorities have changed suddenly.

Summer is winding down and new things are ramping up. Soccer, Co-Op, a new home school year, and I could go down the lists of “all the things” but I don’t think I need to. I think we all have our lists of “all the things”.

I’ve recently decided that when I feel overwhelmed, which I’ve been feeling lately, I’m going to give myself some grace, slow it down, take that list of “all the things” and just do the best I can.

Hey Mamas, as you go into this week and these final days of summer, let’s slow it down just a little bit longer. As we ramp up for the new school year or maybe just a new season in life, let’s just do the best we can. Let’s not beat ourselves up when we don’t finish the list. Let’s be okay when our normal gets interrupted with the unexpected.

I’m learning this lesson right now. I’m also learning how much sleep I need and that I’m not getting enough. Let’s hear it for naps!!

*Since I wrote this, we’ve had two other trips to the ER for my dad. The stones aren’t out yet. Though he is feeling better, we are waiting for a date to blast those stones!!! I’m praying for only scheduled hospital visits from here on out and no more ER visits!!!